If you could start a rumor about yourself what would it be?
If you were granted a superpower, which one would it be?
Please share in the comment section or keep it to yourself because why would you want to control rumors about yourself or grant yourself superpowers. Now if you are really quick thinking and efficient, you might combine the two answers and start a rumor about your superpower.
My answers:
- A rumor of my CIA agent days including fast cars traveling through the Alps.
- The superpower of being able to fly without any TSA security screening or confining airline seats.
Yes I know it’s still Monday in much of the world. But you see, now you have plenty of time to think about this and come back with your answer.
Just leave something off the top of you head because what’s the hole in there for anyway?
another circus

1. That I could read minds
2. That I could read minds.
very recursive, I like it. the superpower tells you what the rumor is - interesting.
Hmmm... the rumor one is tricky. I thought perhaps 'that I'm a millionaire' but then I'd have people expecting me to pay all the time! I like Bearman's answer. Superpower is easy - to fly (not too high or fast, though :)
Oh, man, the rumor one is hard! Probably that I've killed someone.
My power would be to be invisible.
any rumour i wish i want it to be true so i cannot tell you. if i have the superpower, i'll make the rumour becomes the reality instantly.
I don't want any rumors about me. But I'd love to be able to fly invisibly. (I know, some people would claim that's two powers but I don't care.)
Flying invisibly - I think that could be the better way to fly for one person but I would not trust too many flying around without being able to see them.
secrets - that's OK
These two go together well for the person with the superpower. Not so well for the victim.
You are right about being a millionaire because if I start that rumor, I'll be the first to ask you for some money. Flying is popular.
Hmmmm. If I could start a rumor about myself, it would be that I'm really a secret agent. What about my little world would be so interesting to investigate, I have no idea.
Super power is a tie between two - the ability to hear other peoples' thoughts and the ability to teleport instantly from place to place.
Aaaaand, I just saw your CIA answer (I didn't read yours or the other comments before I posted, lest my response be contaminated), too funny!
there are enough rumors floating around about me already, sugar, so no need to start any more. as to super powers, i'd have to say flight! xoxoxox
you could start the rumor that all the rumors are wrong and actually you are fill-in-the-blank. Looks like everyone would rather be birds than fish.
Appears we both have positive images of secret agents. Most people probably view them as smart people.
One problem with hearing/reading ours thoughts is learning things that you would be better off not knowing. You would need to turn that power off in a bar. On second thought, women probably already can read a man's mind since it is very simple.
I won the lottery and flying! :-)
The RUMOR is I'm a dirty old man and my superpower is what else: X-ray vision! (I used to think about that and the girls locker room a LOT when I was a teen.
Hey that rumor is going generate lots of requests. When do I get invited to the lottery party? Flying is very popular. thanks
Yeah but I learned later in life that x-rays are in black and white which is sorta dull. My suggestion - spend more time in the shower so you won't be a dirty old man. A clean nice-smelling old man is better.
Tha rumer that reedin mi blog gretly helpps ur speling!
a rumer to spred by wrd of moth - gr8
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