Sunday, June 09, 2013

what’s a listicle

I don’t know but it rhymes with testicle so maybe I qualify. I’ve read a few listicles memes/games on a blog or two.

Wikipedia has a page for listicle.

Sun-dried cracked nuts, I’m going to sizzle this listicle. Oh swizzle sticks it's a list.  This will be stretch since I hate lists. Never read a list that didn’t mean trouble except maybe a wish list.

This jambalaya joker was listening to some Junkyard Jane. I was just cruising along that wicked highway. Traveling in the dark with no headlights, I took the long way going nowhere. Now I don’t have a pray.

That’s what happens here at A Few Clowns Short when I leave the headphones playing. Oh yeah, this list thing. I think this week the listers are listing beautiful tools (10 Beauty tools/products you can't live without).

My short list of beautiful tools:

  • If I had a hammer I wouldn’t hammer in the morning because I’m not a morning person and loud noises before coffee hammers the brain.
  • If I had a drill I would drill a big hole in this list.
  • If I had a vice grip I would get grip on figuring out vice.
  • I have needlenose pliers and let me tell you, keep them away from your nose. There are better ways to remove nose hairs.
  • The utility of a utility knife with retractable blades is near infinite. If you had one right now, you would either cut me some slack or cut me loose.
  • If I had any sense I would quit this list right now. You don’t really want me to open my toolbox here. Should I stay or should I go? (damn headphones again)

(Not what you expected? Don't have a cow.  Just browse on by and lighten up.) 

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