Yes I fully realize out of the many troubles and difficulties facing people around the world this is a silly thing to rant about.
Oh just to be clear, the forms I really hate are paper forms filled in by hand. Electronic online forms are not bad. Buying a gift on Amazon, fill out a quick form, no problem.
I have never filled out as many forms than when I was in the Air Force. The job is not done until the paperwork is turned in. My Air Force career could be the source of my dislike for forms.
The reason behind filling out a form in the first place is typically part of my complaint.
Here’s a common form for Americans to complain about - Form 1040.
In addition to the big Superbowl game, this Sunday marks the 100th anniversary of the 16th Amendment. Ok, I don’t remember which amendment is which either. The 5th Amendment is popular in court I know. The 16th Amendment, ratified on February 3, 1913, allows Congress to levy an income tax on us. This amendment lead to the creation of one of the most dreaded of agencies, the IRS.
Gary Barron, tax specialist, wrote a nice tribute to the amendment for it’s birthday. Being a tax specialist his livelihood is the tax system. Here’s an excerpt from it:
another circus
Oh just to be clear, the forms I really hate are paper forms filled in by hand. Electronic online forms are not bad. Buying a gift on Amazon, fill out a quick form, no problem.
I have never filled out as many forms than when I was in the Air Force. The job is not done until the paperwork is turned in. My Air Force career could be the source of my dislike for forms.
The reason behind filling out a form in the first place is typically part of my complaint.
Here’s a common form for Americans to complain about - Form 1040.
In addition to the big Superbowl game, this Sunday marks the 100th anniversary of the 16th Amendment. Ok, I don’t remember which amendment is which either. The 5th Amendment is popular in court I know. The 16th Amendment, ratified on February 3, 1913, allows Congress to levy an income tax on us. This amendment lead to the creation of one of the most dreaded of agencies, the IRS.
Gary Barron, tax specialist, wrote a nice tribute to the amendment for it’s birthday. Being a tax specialist his livelihood is the tax system. Here’s an excerpt from it:
"...And Congress looked at what it had done, and it was complicated and it was good, and it was called the Revenue Act of 1913...."I will try to remember this tax season that our complicated tax system provides jobs for many families.
another circus