Wednesday, May 23, 2012

signs you are reading this

What you need a sign? 

How much would you pay for a guidance app for the rest of your life’s path?

Too often the spam email subject line reads 10 signs of blah blah blah. Typically the number of signs offered is between 3 and 10. I have yet to see the 37 signs of you are reading too much spam. (I suspect posting about “signs” might be a sign of that) People avoid a large number of signs to read, so 7 is good number of signs. 

Everyone is selective. You will read the 7 signs you are chaetophobic but you will tell the officer standing outside your car window that you never read the speed limit sign.

Of course I employed google searching for more information on signs. You know how google offers you suggestions to fill out your search words? Here’s a little time waster for you to try (how many signs would you need to determine you are wasting time). In the search box start with “signs of a”, then “signs of b” and proceed through the alphabet. You will find plenty of suggestions for every letter. Signs of the zodiac is a sign you reached the end. 

“Signs of q” had an interesting list of suggestions. Have you ever heard of a quarterlife crisis? Midlife is well known to be full of crisis. Midlife probably offers more than 10 signs of crisis. C’mon a quarterlife crisis? Really? Do we need a special name for each phase of everyday living? 

I was married with one child when I stumbled through my mid twenties. Sure a crisis could come at you whatever your age. But naming a crisis based just on your age is different. Life is a series of events. A bad event could be called a crisis but not every broken nail, nothing-to-do weekend, or bad date is a crisis.

Usually the "top some number" signs are offered.  How about the bottom two signs you don’t know Jack? 
1. You read these two signs. 
2. You want more signs. 

Does our world have too many mamby pamby lands?

another circus 

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