Thursday, May 24, 2012

factual friday fragments

It's a fact that I have posted many Friday Fragments (FF) and I try to introduce the post differently each time.  It's also a fact that conjuring up a new intro is not easy.  I'm rewriting a used one with hopefully a better rhyme.

It's fragments on Friday
they form a fine day
not nice bitchin,
instead be FF fishin
I don't have time
to make it all rhyme
it don’t matter    
FF friends will flatter. 

Now after this post get over to Mrs. 4444’s place to check out the fragment chatter. Do you get extra points for rhyming in your FF post?  It’s a fact that for months worth of Fridays, Mrs. 4444 has been collecting postings on Friday Fragments. Her blog is an outstanding fragment collector.

Mommy's Idea

Do you scroll to the bottom? I typically do if I’m visiting a new page. Of course I don’t visit web pages with a smartphone since I don’t have or want a smartphone. Probably different with smartphone viewing. You can find interesting stuff on the page bottom. I might take a cue from Unknown Mami and put something interesting at the bottom of my page. She has a slideshow on her bottom. Oh no, that didn’t come out right. Hey pay her a visit and tell her Lisleman has a new idea for her slideshow.

Earlier this week I shared a post about acronyms. One of the commonly used acronyms is RSVP (répondez s'il vous plaît). Many Americans (unfairly IMHO) consider the French rude. How ironic that we use this French derived acronym in the polite request of an invitation.

Following the RSVP thought, what is it with the month of May? The May calendar is packed tighter than a jar of pickles. When you yank those pickles out too fast you are likely to spray pickle juice in your eye, then you can’t read the calendar. (I have issues - but hey these are fragments)

If you browse around like I do, you learn stuff. Blog browsing is much better than facehooking on Facebook. Most posts trigger a thought and one the other day gave me this one to share: 
I believe we all get a unique view of the world. Parts of our views overlap with others.  Sometimes not by very much.
Lastly, did you know that NASA takes pictures of the sun from space?  Here's a cool video clip from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.  Didn't Smash Mouth sing "you might as well be walking on the sun"?


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