Tuesday, November 22, 2011

gather round ballbots

Maybe in the not too distant future, ballbots will gather round and "talk" about their owners.

Honestly until I watched the video clip included below I had not heard of a ballbot.  A ballbot is a robot with a big ball.  By controlling the ball the robot's motion is controlled.  The video clip will give you the basic idea.  The movement reminds me of Rosey the Robot who worked for George Jetson.

Robots lacking good motion are like bloggers lacking spell check.  A chunk of plastic or metal that doesn't move well is just not that impressive.

I the second clip included below you'll see another very advanced humanoid type of bot.  HRP-4C (4U2C, for you to see, would have been catchier) is a Japanese robot with female curves and apparently the ambition to become the next J-Lo.  I think Shakira should be hired as a consultant for this.

Shake your bot.

another circus 

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