Saturday, December 04, 2010

when I grow up

Just because you are over the hill and rolling doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set some goals. As you roll, you might try leaning to one side or another to miss some of those boulders ahead. Also, take some time to enjoy the scenery.

My goal -- When I grow up, I would like to be an absent-minded professor. Now I never received an advanced degree so the professor part might be tricky. With my interest in physics maybe I could fake it.

So I have my image of your typical absent-minded professor.

Is there a double standard regarding aging? Maybe. But maybe it’s self imposed.

I just left the shower (don’t worry I have dried off and dressed so wipe out any stupid image in your mind) and back there was a pump bottle of “age defying daily renewal cleanser”. I don’t touch the stuff. It belongs to my wife. Nothing wrong with cleansing but age defying would be an impossible trick. I wonder if there is a recommended age limit on the label.

I love my gray hair and look forward to the day it’s completely white.

Consider these famous old men:
  • Colonel Sanders
  • Charles Darwin
  • Mark Twain
  • Santa Claus
  • Albert Einstein

I’m not saying any these well respected gentlemen were absent-minded. I don’t know. My point is when I think of them, I don’t picture some young guy but see an old gentleman.  (unlike that crazy fake Einstein pic)

Isn’t it interesting that their grand achievements came when they were young men (not sure about Santa)? Looking like one of these old guys should be a goal for all guys.

The look of age doesn’t concern me and in fact it might improve my looks.  Hell maybe I could get a gig hosting a talk show.

Now having healthy limber joints is something to worry about. Nobody wants pain.

So is there a double standard or do women just create the problem themselves?
Oh, are you interested in a half full used bottle of age defying cream?

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