Mrs. 4444's ( da 4444 html color code written as #da4444 is a nice shade of red ) regular fragmented Friday feature has Lisleman posting again and once again asks “What’s it all about?”
Using the above lesson, from now on in my daily cursing I will try using shinola more in place of shit because most everyone doesn't know the difference.
I don’t know if there are any words for this next picture but I can’t remember why I downloaded it from the Belfast Telegraph.
I don’t know if there are any words for this next picture but I can’t remember why I downloaded it from the Belfast Telegraph.
I imagine if you crawled through shinola you would look like that.
I had a fun time at my daughter's wedding reception this year and even had an f-bomb thrown my way by a guest that couldn't see straight anymore. It was the f-bomb with the word “off” added on. The f-bomb in this case had the effect of making me laugh.
So where do words get their impact or weight?
Have you noticed how the same word combined with a different word has a completely different meaning. Here's what I mean depending on what you juxtapose with the word “down” you can create new meaning. Some examples (if you don’t know shinola you might be too young for this too):
I had a fun time at my daughter's wedding reception this year and even had an f-bomb thrown my way by a guest that couldn't see straight anymore. It was the f-bomb with the word “off” added on. The f-bomb in this case had the effect of making me laugh.
So where do words get their impact or weight?
Have you noticed how the same word combined with a different word has a completely different meaning. Here's what I mean depending on what you juxtapose with the word “down” you can create new meaning. Some examples (if you don’t know shinola you might be too young for this too):
Songs in my past encouraged me to “get down”. But nobody wants to suffer a “turn down”. It is an accomplishment to “get down” to the bottom of it, after which we feel like “winding down”.I’m not the only one who thinks about words. Watch this fun clip at the bottom.
WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.
always wondered where that phrase came from
the MITM could hear the music and asked what i was listening to and i said, a video about words...thanks, sugar!
"Fuck off" is one of my favorite expressions.
words are words it is how we express them that makes the difference
Telling someone to F-Off at a wedding is actually on my bucket list. Well, only for the next couple days. My cousin gets married on Sunday. He he he.
I knew the meaning of shinola.
I have now learned to stay away from Shinola. I think it could get messy!
Any story behind you learning about this shoe polish? From the wikipedia page it dated back to WW2 and I know both of us are too young for having lived then.
That sounds like it would be hard to explain. Did he like it?
I'm glad to be spreading the shinola news.
You have me curious as to when and where you apply this descriptive phrase.
Stopping by from FF!!!
Best of luck with that. There was an arrest of a wedding party just recently that ended in a big brawl.
Wow I have been to a lot of weddings but I don't think I would have reacted the same way if somebody would have said that to me ESPECIALLY at a wedding. There should be at least a few places still left where people need to get a clue! Interesting but FRUSTRATING post! W.C.C.
You're so philosphical. I love that about you :)
The video is really terrific. I guess I should go to bed, because it took me a minute and a half before I realized what was going on!
Good night :)
Mrs. 4444 and I took the same amount of time it seems to figure out the video. It's 2:30am, so that's my excuse, but I was thinking I needed to get through a commercial first and finally I realized I was missing the point. Rewind :) Got it. Cool!
Well, if, before I read this post, you asked me what Shinola was I would have replied that I know shit about Shinola - the internet is so enlightening ... :)
Sticks and stones baby, our words are powerful.
I too knew what Shinola was. I used to polish my daddy's shoes. 'Just the pleaser in me!
Ya'll have a beautiful weekend and a fun fabulous Friday!!!
thanks. So about when did they stop making it? If you have any old cans you should go to a "Antiques Roadshow" and act like you don't know what it is. Then they could tell you that you don't know shit from shinola on the air. It would be great TV.
Without the background story it sounds worst than it was. Basically it was a mistake and the drunken guy thought I was someone else (I guess he could see straight).
late night bloggers - well for something to watch or listen to before bed that clip is OK. Now I had some experience with listening to the wrong thing before falling asleep.
another late night blogger - funny you thought it was an ad before it really started. BTW the site where it's from (it's at the end of clip) has a number of odd videos.
Having landed myself in great shinola from F-bombing elsewhere, I will merely say that the piccy looks to be of a popular rural sport in the more isolated parts of Britain known as "bog snorkeling".
Now that you reminded me, I think it was from a series of pictures about a bog snorkeling event. Why would anyone do that? It's not a reality TV show is it? Does it give you a natural feeling?
It is a genuine "sport" from the endurance/daft category... I have never done it but have smelt the water in many such bog dykes and drains, uugghhhh!
I never knew what Shinola was either. Blogging is certainly educational!
Thanks - A person that knew (from a Steve Martin movie?) thought that most people know. I don't think so. I would guess more than half who have heard the expression don't.
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