Saturday, August 14, 2010

my friends

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends....

My friends ??
They are you.  You are them.

You can find a list of blog friends here.

But there's another list that forms the ICB team.  (see the current list)

What's the ICB team?   
Just minute, I first need to remind everyone something they should know.
Life is a team sport.

Blogging is no exception and we all help each other.  Sometimes we don't even realize we helped another blogger.  One of the bloggers from those lists, Unknown Mami, recently gave me a post idea (come back in a few days for it).  I remember once back in 2009, leaving a comment over there that became a post for her.  I went looking for it but since she moved off of "blogger" I don't think the post is there anymore.

This helping and sharing is why I started 'I Can't Blog" (ICB) blog.  Here's the intro post about it.

If you don't know already, the odd thing about ICB is it only has ONE post.  The plan is to use the threaded feature of DISQUS to share ideas about blogging.  It's growing slowly and you can already find good info in the comments.  But I wanted to give it more publicity.

Some of you know about Blog Catalog because you are members.  I found it a good way to find other bloggers but I'm not as active on their message boards as I was once.  I submitted ICB to be added to my blog list over there. 

Guess what?  They have standards.  After waiting a long time I received this status:
Status: Declined - Not enough content

Well too bad for them.  ICB is going to stay a one post blog.

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