Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday whatevers

The April 2010 issue of Scientific American came the other day.  I often read the shorter columns or news articles first.  (just wondering does anyone else out there start a magazine at the back and flip through it backwards - I do)

The last article (one pager) by Steve Mirsky is titled "Wonders of Life".  I enjoy his writing and typically learn new things.  The valuable bit of information I learned from this article - Cheetos Lip Balm

I have not priced it yet (anybody know?) but I'm thinking it would make a great Christmas gift.

Who already has that?

If by weird chance they did already have some, then they must be the type of person who would want more. Perfect gift if you ask me.

As regular readers (you're the best) know, I have a few blogs.  I do that to sort things out somewhat.  Also, I want readers of this blog to lighten up.  You know, don't worry, be happy.  So I don't care to post political stuff up here much.  Actually, I don't post much political issue stuff anywhere but I do write a slightly political blog called Change Gov Luv.  

Anyway, did you happen to watch President Obama sign the health reform bill this week?

Tell me how many pens he used to sign it.

Want to know?  Check out my post on it.

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