Thursday, March 25, 2010

from a friend's blog

I can't really pin it down when, but at some point in my career I found myself thinking about all the various ways people earn their living.  Most of the unusual jobs are legal too.

Remember the butcher, the baker, the candle stick maker?  I don't think I've ever met a candle stick maker but there's plenty of candles so I guess somebody is making them.

So I was over at a favorite blog called OneStonedCrow and saw this picture.

Can you read that warning?
It says "Poisonous Snakes In Transit".

>>  "Honey, I'm home."
<<  "Oh how were the snakes today dear?"

Can you imagine being a snake transporter?  I sure hope it comes with good health insurance.

Many months ago I posted about "the best job in the world".  It did sound good and it still does.

What's the strangest job you know of or possibly did?

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