Another fun blog game.
Happy 101 Sweet Friends
What a nice surprise to be reading through your blogroll blogs and discovering your name and blog getting recognition. That's what happened the other day on the Technobabe's Adventure blog. She was happy and sweet enough to pass along the above award.
These awards are also like a game so just like a game, it has rules. The rules are to link this award back to the presenter, send it on to at least three other bloggers and list 10 things that make me happy.
Check out Technobabe and her hippie blog (her words) with the above link.
Here's a fun part - listing things that make me happy:
These awards are also like a game so just like a game, it has rules. The rules are to link this award back to the presenter, send it on to at least three other bloggers and list 10 things that make me happy.
Check out Technobabe and her hippie blog (her words) with the above link.
Here's a fun part - listing things that make me happy:
- Family - supporting wife, kids, grandkids, brother, sisters and even in-laws.
- Making the family laugh especially a little one's giggle.
- Having my son or daughter buy me a beer.
- Learning new stuff about the world and how it works
- Warm spring days (soon I hope)
- Having the mortgage paid off.
- Finding an old postcard sent to me from my kid sister back in the 70's. Reading it made me laugh (again).
- Blogging and getting supportive comments (hey the comment button is just below, see it down there?)
- My wife's homemade pancakes or waffles with her blueberries sauce (the secret is in the sauce).
- Listening to 'Wait Wait Don't Tell Me'. (also remembering the time my wife and I went to see the show live).
Thanks again and
Remember as Bobby McFerrin sang:
Don't Worry Be Happy