Sunday, January 31, 2010

Peru flood brings Machu Picchu memory

If you didn't get here via Unknown Mami's blog, then you should check out her Sundays-In-My-City feature. It's a regular feature that's open to anyone.  

See the river in the background of this picture below.  I am very sure it doesn't look that way today.  Now it's a raging flood of water tearing through the valley.  That river is the Urabamba. 

I was fortunate to get a trip to Peru back in 2008 because of the Peruvian connection of our new son-in-law.  Recently, I heard there has been terrible flooding and tourist were trapped at Machu Picchu.  Honestly, my first reaction was, "that's a nice place to be trapped."  The problem is crowding in a small town (Aguas Calientes) that became isolated when the train tracks washed out.  (Oh, they aren't down there now.  They live in Chicago.)

It's the same train we took.  Actually, it's the train everyone takes except those that hike there.

The train follows the river valley so it's been washed out in a few places.

Here's a picture of Aguas Calientes back in 2008.

Here's two shots that I had to climb quite high to get.

The tourists were flown out of Aguas Calientes by military helicopters over several days.  Links to the recent flooding and trapped tourists:

And a video clip

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