Thursday, April 17, 2014

get yo fragments together

She-who-keeps-me-around recently had a birthday. One of her gifts was Mary Schmich’s book, “Even Terrible Things Seem Beautiful To Me Now”. On the back cover Mary Schmich writes, 
“For most of us, life is a hugely varied affair. … yet on any given day we think even more about family, food, money, the garden, the weather, that weird little pain that may mean something or nothing.”

Now Mrs. 4444 has not written a book (not that I know of anyway) but she has written many posts. Her blog is a hugely varied affair, I would say.  Her Friday Fragments collections bring together a variety of thoughts and images from many bloggers. I offer you this post to add to your variety.

Family member shared this with me - must be the name Billy

One of our daughters went to a roller derby event this past week. She brought back the program listing the teams. It’s fun just to read the player names. Two that stuck in my head are:
Sara Problem (best customer service name ever)
Sue Perduper

in honor of Easter week

Lisleman likes lyrics (potential blog name?) - Elton John’s song “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me” has the words: 
“I’d just allow a fragment of your life to wander free”
"frozen here on the ladder of my life" 

All salesmen should ride bicycles. Then they would pedal while they peddle.

Sittin' here restin' my bones 
And these spammers won't leave me alone,
yes Two thousand posts, 
I hone 
Just to make 
this blog my own

Lisleman also likes (should a blogger write in the third person? how about the fourth?) funny ads. Humor adds to the appeal of an ad. 

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