It would be exciting to witness a big dolphin party like those being reported off the coast of southern California. Scientist have long known that dolphins are very social animals. In the video clip below you’ll see a jumping party that has been estimated to total in the thousands. These dolphins know how to party.
Not I-pods but a mega pod of dolphins. Except for perhaps the clown fish these dolphins find and create the fun of the ocean.
So why the big crowded party?
Lisleman’s theory - dolphins have either discovered Facebook or Twitter. Maybe both.
another circus
Not I-pods but a mega pod of dolphins. Except for perhaps the clown fish these dolphins find and create the fun of the ocean.
So why the big crowded party?
Lisleman’s theory - dolphins have either discovered Facebook or Twitter. Maybe both.
another circus

I love a good mix of fact and anthropomorphisation (not being sarcastic.) A lot of my husband's stories are a great mix of the two. Dolphins are amazing animals and I'm definitely in awe of them. They are very chatty animals so I can imagine in another world, them being all about FB and Twitter. Thanks for sharing.
How about that! I gave you a reason to use anthropomorphism and most people just say Disneyfy. I can imagine those chatty (wish I thought of that description) dolphins using social media. thanks
ha ha it's my job to know that word, although I have a hard time saying it. I prefer saying anthropomorphic, so much easier.
It's like the water version of a great migration on the Serengeti.
Amazing! You are probably right. They discovered Facebook and some dolphin posted...LET"S PAR-TAY!!
Hahaha! Dolphinbook.
Love comments that give me another idea. I should of asked for names that dolphins would use. I like Flipperface Thanks
Well that's what I think. I have seen shows where they believe the dolphins were playing. They are smart and maybe not too serious.
The antelope of the sea. I like it. thanks
that totally blows me away!!
interesting isn't it? thanks
You're funny.
It says "this video has been removed by the user" ?
Yes it does say that now. I don't know when that happened. Trust me it was an amazing video. This happens too often with embedded youtube clips. You could try searching youtube for another version of it. This was a national news story when I posted it.
Ok if you are still interested, I found a replacement clip.
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