Saturday, February 16, 2013

mascots on my mind

I didn’t start my day with mascots on my mind. Who does? A mascot I guess.

Life has surprises. If you spend much time on the internet you find even more surprises. The internet is many things. It often acts like a surprise amplifier for me.

It started with the mention of a youtube video. I included that clip at the end of this post. I found the clip without much problem. As is often the case, there were a few versions of this mascot related clip.

Then I started thinking of another mascot from my past. I’m proud to tell anyone that I graduated from the University of Illinois. We had a very appropriate mascot, Chief Illiniwek when I attended. Since then a controversy started about the use of a Native American mascot and eventually the mascot was dropped. The French explorers named Illinois after the indigenous Illiniwek people, a consortium of Algonquian tribes. Of course you can discover much more regarding this on the internet.

My mascot searching lead me find a famous mascot, the San Diego Chicken aka the Famous Chicken. This chicken guy has a very interesting story and a good web site where you can learn more than you would ever want to about a chicken mascot. (if you are wondering I was NOT compensated by this chicken)

The chicken mascot story involves lawsuits, a radio station, $2 per hour job, fowl trying to spoil a foul shot, and lots of fans. You can read more here.

Here’s the clip that started my mascot research. The lesson I picked up on this one is not to use a condor as a mascot.

another circus 

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