One of the characteristics of FF is the impromptu open nature of the posts. My first fragment is offered as an example.
They don’t paint traffic lines on dirt roads. This was one of the most spontaneous ideas to pop-up in my head while I was out for a walk. I don’t think there is any deep meaning to it. However after it rains, beware of deep mud.
What if I could clone myself? I’m sure my wife would not be pleased. One of me around this place is enough. My luck, the process would get messed-up. Instead of clone, I would get a clown.
One of her suggestions was a “Believe It Or Not” idea for a post. I plan to add a little twist to her suggestion and start doing a “Believe It Or Not I Posted This”.
Have you ever noticed an old post or some old thing you created that sounds or looks different today? That’s the basic idea with “Believe It Or Not I Posted This”. It’s also a way to recycle your better posts. BIONIPT - Interested?
…. it’s gonna be a long long time
Till touchdown brings me round again to find
I’m not the man they think I’m at home
Oh no no no
I’m a Lisleman
Lisleman burning out his fuse up here alone