This past week my wife and I entered another time zone. Technically it's the Eastern time zone. Even more different than the time on the clock is the focus of our time. It's the grandkid time zone.
Here's two of the kids taking up our time and stretching our muscles.
I've never seen so many legos |
After I get back home and rest a bit, I'll be posting more regularly.
Wow. Mor than blue skys here in the eastern time zone.
The most wonderful kind of time zone.
Hahaha. You will survive. I can't believe I volunteered to watch a few kids tomorrow, since I watch over bunches of kids all week. I hope you don't trip over the legos.
The Grandkid time zone is the best time zone for sure. Your G-kids are so cute. Have fun!!
Have a wonderful time with the kiddos! Try not to step on a lego that really hurts!
thanks -- Oh I know about those little dangers. Luckily there are all contained in his room.
Watching them is fun and work at the same time which I'm sure you know all too well.
thanks - it is fun and creates great memories
thanks yes much more
Have fun and try not to hurt yourselves. That includes your sanity.
I remember playing with Legos as a kid, but was astounded by the amazing variety available by the time my own kids came along.
hahaha That's pretty funny. Hope you have a great time :)
thanks - muscle aches go away after awhile
You are so right. He has a Frankenstein little lego monster and the variety of pieces that came in that set is so creative.
When you're with those little ones, it is a totally different time zone! Looks like you had lots of fun!!
yes you're right thanks
I have no doubt that you are a phenomenal grandparent, silly as you are.
thanks - nice to read compliments
as silly and funny as you are, there is no doubt you are a superb mom and wife.
Sounds like a fun and tiring time zone.
yes it was both. We're back now. thanks
My son encircles himself in Legos, too. Thanks for sharing this picture.
Thanks for taking a look. I wish I had invented Legos.
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