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Ok I approved it.
I dislike comment moderation or that approval step I find on some blogs. But spam.. Yes I know and I have deleted spam comments. But really are the spam comments that frequent and awful to require comment moderation? Please let me know if I'm missing another reason bloggers use moderation control.
As you can see, I use DISQUS. It's not perfect and has a few times given me some comment discomfort (think I should trademark that? - comment discomfort ruining your social media peace of mind). Overall I like their comment system and I find it very interactive.
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got a haircut today so I just wanted to remember how wild it can get |
You do want your blog to be interactive and engaging right?
I also want to take this opportunity (assuming you are still reading) to mention that I'm trying out the new and latest DISQUS version. Not here on my main blog yet. Over on my experiential/what-if/see-if-it-sticks blog called "I Can't Blog". The one with this eyeball picture (anyone remember that one?).
If you would like to see the new version browse over to the eyeball and leave a comment. I don't think the new version adds much to the comment experience if you are not a DISQUS member.
If this post gets one more blogger to remove comment moderation then I've accomplished a goal. If you leave a comment - well that's another point scored too.
New one still doesn't pull in my avatar....
Oh and new one doesn't allow me to comment as a guest either....
I'm not a fan of Disqus as a commenter. I have no idea what the benefits are as the blogger, though.
I get very irritated when I have to type in those non-existant words for verification. GRRRR! What's the difference between Disqus and Google?
By "google" I'll assuming you are referring to blogger (own by google). There was a big difference for awhile but now blogger has updated their comment system. Not too long ago you were not able to reply to individual comments like I'm doing right now. Blogger has this now but I like how Disqus put all my comments (by me or on my blog) into one location. They also have a "blacklist" setting which is nice for keeping spammers out.
thanks - oh I don't care much for word verification but there is an interesting application of it that you can learn about on youtube.
even as a commenter it will collect your comments made on all the disqus using blog all in one place for you. As a blogger it offers control which helps keep the spam comments away.
I understand about the 3rd party thing. I don't give it out for FB but for some reason I don't mine giving G+ out. You don't really need to sign-up for commenting - you do need to give a name and email address but many blogs require that. The anonymous guest might be something I need to change in the settings. I think the avatar will not show until you fill out a profile which means you signed-up. One benefit of filling out you profile is the link to your blog being clickable on your name.
Blogging to me now is about being with friends and adapting to their, and my, different levels of, and wishes for interaction.
As for DISQUS, I just wish they can capture regular commenters and make the "member" subscription more auto. I love it for the individual reply email notification that promotes closer interaction.
Frankly, Lisle, I'm an older fart and leave this techno stuff to you young kids. Your comment section took me a minute to figure out, but I perservered. I do try to leave comments on blogs I enjoy and put in my two cents about those damn word mazes. That has been useless. I, who cannot figure out how to move widgets on my own blog may write a blog about how to delete spam and the empty their spam bucket so Blogger knows who is spam. I may entitle it: You don't know spam. Well, hopping down off the stump. Thanks.
Frankly I'm glad you didn't call me "surely". There are a number of "extra" things that some bloggers do. I don't bother with many of them. I'm still on blogger and have no interest in moving to wordpress like some do. You did great in getting your name linked back to your blog on the DISQUS. "Surely" you have noticed how nice it is when you comment on another DISQUS using blog.
thanks - I appreciate your perseverance
That is an interesting idea. I guess they could notice your email showing up some number of times and then send you a suggestion to join which could include an easy step to join.
Thanks for sharing the idea.
I really don't get the approval one either ! But there are some bloggers that get a lot of hateful comments.
Luckily that is one problem I have never had here. I've had spam comments but never hateful mean comments. I don't post about politics or religion so that helps. I have no problem with a comment that disagrees. Everyone should be able to disagree but still be respectful. Like many others, I do wonder if being respectful is on a downward trend. thanks
I'm not a fan of comment moderation or word verification. Yes, Disqus is not perfect, but what is? Let me know how you like the new version. I'll check it out on your other blog.
I think we agree. What I like about the new version is the tab (must be logged in) called "My Disqus" - it shows your disqus activity like the dashboard without going to the dashboard.
I like disqus but haven't put it on my site....
I get about 100 spam comments in 12hrs so I need to have moderation on.
Those were the days when blogging was more interactive, sigh.
Wow that's much more spam comments than I get. Your traffic must be higher. I think blogging is still interactive but yes FB and G+ have replaced the attention that blogs had before.
thanks for being interactive over here.
I get spam comments just about every minute. Viagra, Canadian pharmacies, designer bags, you name it. But I hate capcha (can't read it!!!).
I do not think comments should be censored but comment moderation is a good idea in case a commenter decides to post their SS# or the fact that they won't be home all weekend and forgot to lock their door
Thanks for sharing that because I didn't think the spam comments were ever that bad. Now like most anyone who has had an email address for more than a day, I get spam email every minute. You are the second blogger here to report high spam comments.
"SS# travel plans" - oh no - now I need to protect the commenters from themselves?
Until I installed the no captcha capthca box, I was sometimes getting a hundred or more spam comments a day and I think it was helping to overload the server. Now (after also banning a couple of IP adresses) I get maybe a couple of spam comments a week.
Disqus lets me blacklist IP addresses so that might be why I don't have a big spam comment problem. You run your own server?
I think some of reason is the blogger in order to rufuse the spam
I used comment moderation once when I had a wave of spam. After a few days, I disabled it, and everything was fine. I also used it when I had a horrible guy stalking my blog and leaving nasty comments. He eventually gave up and left, too and I took the comment moderation back out. But I don't care it others use it - it is vastly preferable to word verification. I find that so annoying it limits how often I'm willing to comment.
(But not a huge fan of Disqus - it adds an unnecessary step.)
The perfect world would have no spammers or stalker. I think Disqus is a good compromise.
Disqus is okay, but blogger now does the individual response thing. And the spam filter on it has gotten much better. I haven't had spam in a couple of years, without comment moderation or word verification. I even allow anonymous comments. (Well, actually, since I'm currently private, that's all moot for me.)
No, the hosting company told me I was overloading their server.
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