Sunday, December 04, 2011

on the fourth day

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love posted four gift cards on my facebook page. Cool, much better than the third day’s left-over chicken. Transacting gift cards online prevents that first day problem: 

One crunched fender in a parking lot. 

The four gift cards are worth enough for me to buy great game bird calls. I hope to bag more than four duck calling birds. Instead of French hens or doves, I could have really used a few trained retrievers and duck blind. 

Holy shotgun shells and Batman smells, I feel like singing. 

I’m wearin fur thermals 
I eat a hot potato 
It’s tickling my fancy 
Speak up I can’t hear you 
Here in this duck blind 
We got some wild wildlife 
I’ve got news to tell ya 
about some wild wildlife 
Here come the duck hunters 
They shoot wild wildlife 
Ain’t that the way you like it 
Shooting wild wildlife

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