Lisleman’s Left-over Laughs are here again.
It’s the third time but who’s counting.
Now is your chance to share a laugh.
Remember when Coca-Cola sang to us, "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke"?
I know this is a small start but I’d like to give the world a laugh. Join in with your link below. I’ll start it off with a link to one of my funny posts.
But before you get to that here’s a joke my wife emailed me recently.
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.
The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me,' and she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office... She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.' And then the fight started...

Now don’t tell me. I’ve nothing to do.
This is too funny Lisleman. And I thought your wife was going to get mad that you showed your chest to another woman. Oh this is funny.
Its a joke! Now I get it, still funny!
LOL that's funny - you would be a fun person to tell jokes to. I have some jokes which sound like they are about real people or events but they are just jokes. I don't know if you watch much stand-up comedy but they typically deliver it in a personal way too. I hope to see a your link added to the list above. It will be open for a week.
Great joke.....I wish my brain retained jokes....I'd share a few if I could remember them...I suffer from CRS (can't remember sh@t )
Thanks for the laugh today!
Hehehe ... good one ... like frau, I'm no good a remembering jokes when I need them ... when I do remember them there's no one around to share them with ... Sod's :Law I guess ...
You are welcome. While not a cure, alcohol has help a few with CRS. It modifies the condition into the DGAS condition. Don't Give A Shit. Be careful not to take too much because then you get SF (Shit Faced) and nobody wants to see that.
You know I could be shit doctor.
Only remembering them when no one is around sounds like a joke itself. But it's not just jokes. Often the funny stories are better than the jokes. thanks
One of my favorites! Sorry I still haven't linked up - I don't have many funny ones but I could probably scrounge up one. I just have more good intentions than follow throughs!
Please scrounge up one. I don't think I've had any Texas humor for some time. You have plenty of time. The link thing is open for a week.
Added one that wasn't from me but still funny
I like it. Simple ones can be the funniest. thanks for linking it.
Your wife is hilarious, I wonder if my husband remembers and recounts my cute funny little jabs.
That could be a funny post which would link up really good here on LLL #3. Are you willing to share your best jabs?
I wish I could. I have the worst memory. If I don't write stuff down, I forget it.
If you have any funny old posts that would work too.
I honestly don't think any of my posts are funny. I'm funny (in person) but I'm not a funny writer. I'll have to look for one.
My Leftover Laughs is up:)
well I guess you changed your mind on that one. Do you often change your mind? If reminds me of the Billy Joel song, "She's Always A Woman To Me". Ok I'll remove your last link.
Too funny! And you are such a generous blogger, Lisleman, always looking to give a platform for others to share their posts in.
Blogging and sharing are synonymous to me. Thanks for the nice words and submitting a laugh to share with us.
Yep you got me laughing out loud. I will have to tell this one to my husband. Hope you enjoy my super hero photo.
I forgot to say thanks for the video link too. I love the Statler Brothers.
very good I did my good deed. I liked the odd red caped cyclist. thanks
Very funny. I thought you were going to say that forgetting your wallet was evidence enough. Cute story.
I'm starting to think a few readers (I know people read posts quickly) are thinking that social security office story happened to me. It's just a joke.
I've heard that joke before, so I didn't think it was about you -- but it is funny to think that you just "might" do it or your wife would say such a thing! haha!
LOVE this song - Thanks!! I haven't heard it in ages and it always makes me think of my Dad. He used to sing this song when it came on the radio. I'm going to ask him to sing it when I see him this week. :)
Yes I could resemble that joke. Wow thanks for this feedback, I'm very glad to help anyone with remembering family memories.
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