Thursday, July 21, 2011

Frying Flaming Friday Fragments

I don't need to tell anyone in the US (maybe other parts of world either?) that it is

As long as the A/C is working, blogging doesn’t generate a sweat. Mrs. 4444 is hosting her Friday Fragments but I don’t know if she will be grilling them or serving them cold.

From the US weather map, I know many of you having been frying in this heat wave. I’m hoping we don’t have another sweaty Saturday. Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune wrote a poem about this hot weather. Here’s the ending of it:

But as we swelter
Whine and moan
Let's not forget:
This heat's on loan.

As fast as we
Can say July
The summer will
Have said goodbye. (the whole poem is over here.)

Yes “The Onion” has been around for years and years, but I still go there and check out their fake news stories. Here’s a great headline:
No One In Group Admits Girls' Night Out A Colossal Failure

Ok that last one was a funny fake one but here’s a true one certain to get your attention if you live in Lake County:
Rare snake reintroduced to wild in Lake County
(nice looking smooth green snake - perhaps they should tell more people who might kill them if the snakes happen to be slithering around the garden.)

I experienced googledipity last week. I was checking out a blog and found this interesting post about dichos. I don't know much beyond cerveza, so I googled dichos.
Now I know of an alternative to fortune cookies. Check out Dichos.
Next cinco de mayo I'll be ready.

I text, but not much. I don’t have a smartphone and don’t want one (is that being a rebel? doubt it). But recently I’ve seen more and more variations of the :) or ;) emoticons in comments. It made me realize that I am emoticon challenged. Very sad because it’s a whole language that I don’t understand well.  Just the other day I thought Mrs. 4444 stuck her tongue out at me in a comment section.  She claims I misread the emoticon.

Like saying “Cerveza por favor” and not knowing one damn bit of the reply other than “si”.

Oh did you hear about the latest monkey news?

(I should look into Monkey Reporter jobs - that would be cool fun job)
In the small village of Talwas, Rajasthan, Raju, a well-known cigarette smoking monkey, and his bride Chinki were married ….

Cigarette smoking monkeys getting married in India.  Something tells me if the same-sex marriage opponents learn this they would twist it into a "see what could happen" argument.

Well it turns out monkey weddings although popular in some areas are actually illegal and the wedding had to moved to the deep jungle or somewhere.  (the story you curious monkey)

Lisleman’s Left-over Laughs - LLL
I plan to launch next week. Nothing too fancy, you don’t need to dress up (as if you ever do for blogging). I’ll have a linky thingy for you to share your Left-over Laughs. Please check back.

The LLL idea is share laughs such as:
debt ceiling - Paula Poundstone’s solution - Have the leaders get stoned and stare at the ceiling.

(the divider pics are from )

Mommy's Idea

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