Mr. Sexting Congressman, you’re so vain.
This post is not about you. It more about our culture.
Why does our culture elect people like you to Congress?
Why do powerful people who manage to reach well past their 30th birthdays act like testosterone charged teens?
Maybe it’s hotness delusion syndrome. An author recently coined this term. He blames it on the limited number of single men in their 40’s.
I believe this delusional dumb thinking has been around for a long time. Guys are easily distracted to many things that appear sexy. The smart guys learn to control this distraction. Today’s high speed social connected world just offers these vain uncontrollable idiots easier ways to fail.
Maybe these types should just not be allowed internet access.
Carly Simon (boys and girls there are plenty of good lessons in lyrics) knew all about this back in 1973, “You’re So Vain”.
This picture might look sorta vain but the picture was a joke. I don’t even wear sunglasses much and those shades didn’t belong to me. I just borrowed them for the picture.
Carly Simon also sang “I Only Have Eyes For You”. I got news for the idiot sexting guys out there - those eyes and most every woman's eyes are not looking for your junk. Drop your delusion not your pants.
another circus

most people who go into politics have an overinflated view of themselves so it seems natural
not only politicians, seems like many celebrities as well. unfortunately, we pay for their antics one way or another. great self portrait!
blanket statement, but, i'll make it should start therapy when the reach 40! it would save them a TON o'grief! xoxoxox
Your thinking matches my wife's theory about this. I tend to agree but there are politicians who control themselves. Big egos certainly is part of it. thanks.
Yes overall it's does help society much. Maybe they help comedians write a joke but it would be a joke we could live without. thanks
You picture is pretty safe to send, maybe you should run for office. You're so sane, you probably don't think this comment's about you.
wow is that a wet blanket? Many guys do ok but then some don't. thanks
You're so clever you probably knew I would write this.
After all the public figures who have been caught over the years, you would think these guys would wise up. I guess they all think it won't happen to them.
yes much like dumb criminals and their big egos just blind them I guess. thanks
Hotness delusion has been around forever. Nothing new, and the antics of the elected officials is coming out more because of the technology. We don't rely on word of mouth.
The grownups who have matured mentally are fewer it seems. Just because someone grows into an adult body does not mean they are grownup. I feel sorry for the future generations. Their choices of mentally capable and stable people to vote into office are dwindling. Good post here, lisleman.
"those eyes and most every woman's eyes are not looking for your junk. Drop your delusion not your pants."
Giant standing ovation for Lisleman! Jon Stewart had quite a bit to say on this topic on his Tuesday evening show. I'm disappointed, because Wein was one of the few politicians that I actually liked. Opportunities for failure have always been a part of politics, but the internet gives them a much bigger stage.
Yes, our views on this match. I do hope you are wrong about the number of mentally matured adults. I hope it is just the amplifying effect of the technology that gives a false size of the idiot pool. thanks
Thanks - Maybe that "Drop" sentence should go on a t-shirt.
I learn about this story mostly on Jon Stewart's show. I think he over covered it a bit over the 3-4 days. His show is mentioned in some of the Congressman's text messages - so strange.
I've avoided posting on Weinergate thus far because what is there to say that you or injaynesworld or a gazilliion other blogger/writer/journalist/commentators haven't already said?
He's jeopardized the leverage & momentum of the Democrats in the House & Senate. They may have to go back to square one on a number of issues not least of which is the Ryan plan's approach to Medicare & Medicaid. He's proven he's just like Eliot Spitzer; he may be effective in the political arena but he's questionable in the bedroom. Inotherwords, thanks for fucking things up & shifting awareness away from the Republican mis-steps of Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann & too many to name towards you & your sick pecadilloes.
His crap certainly can't help the party but is he that important to the party? I didn't write this with a political view because this blog is not about that. I don't care for either political extreme but the sports game approach of the media encourages the extreme views. You are not suggesting that a Congressman's sexting will bring an end to Medicare - are you?
thanks - oh I put a little political stuff (not much) on my other blog
Weiner has been one of the most vocal opponents to the Ryan plan's strategy to re structure Medicare & Medicaid in order to get us out of debt. He had an infectious energy and was able to connect with people on a visceral level with respect to issues he was championing or fighting. It's a big loss to the party but he has to go.
I thought you might be following it closer than me. I have only followed the Ryan plan to the point of seeing that big healthcare/insurance companies would be taking over Medicare while seniors get vouchers. Why those companies would be so much better for us than the current system is beyond me. But I do understand why those companies would like the business. I thought most everyone right, left, center, likes Medicare. I don't drink tea much anymore - left me with a bad taste recently. Also, the loose leaf stuff - much better than bags.
I also think many men in politics tend to have a very high opinion of themselves and feel they are above the law. As for the photos - I think there are very few situations where a woman wants to receive naked photos of a guy.
Thanks for the honest comment (you always come across honest even if you need to be blunt). I would always suggest to anyone that a digital naked (even the old type can be scanned) picture of yourself should never be taken. I don't see any benefit and the risk of it coming back to haunt you is too great.
Cafepress would probably make a killing.
Stewart probably did overdo it a little, but since they're friends in real life, I wonder if he felt like he had to prove that he can poke fun at both sides of the aisle, friends and frienemies, alike?
I completely agree with you on this. I really, really liked him. I thought he had charisma and was able to effectively communicate with the people, moreso than a lot of other pols. I was really hoping he would do (or set in motion) great things.
And why is it always the WRONG guys that choose to send the photos? I don't think we would be complaining (as loudly) if it were, say, Justin Timberlake or Brad Pitt....
Just checking this out after reading Friday Fragments. I love "hotness delusion syndrome". I aim to steal it every time one of these bozos does the teary apology play on TV thinking that now all is forgiven. There just isn't any end of stupidity!
Love Carly's stuff--She's awesome (assuming she's still around somewhere).
Oh she is at 65 according wikipedia, still going strong. Here's her web site
Stupidity has probably been around since the cave days, we hear about it much more now. Also, we have more opportunities to express our stupidity.
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