If I were to develop a line of fragrances (don’t all celebrities do that?) I would call it “Confusion”. Really what does Paris Hilton know that I don’t know? She probably knows many many influential people so that helps. But my “Confusion” perfume would give a woman the scent to throw off the hounds.
flagrant - fragrant - one letter can make a big difference. A flagrant fragrant air was left under the bedsheets. (good start for my mystery novel?)
Does it smell like Friday?
Oh, it’s Friday in about half the world now so I have started my Friday Fragments (FF). Ya know, Mrs. 4444 does a good hosting of der Friday Fragments, ya know. Check her blog for a full Friday filling of fragments.
Men vs. Women - On “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” they were joking about the recent media story of that “happy to see ya” congressman’s underwear photo. This story shows a difference between men and women.
If a guy got a topless picture the buddies that he shared it with would not care who the person was. They would just admire the beauty of it. It seemed everyone wanted to know who was under the underwear in this sexting congressman’s picture. (I did a post about this story earlier in the week)
If I decided to run for an elected office would that require a twitter account? Nothing against twitter or tweets but I just don’t care to join yet another thing that has marginal benefit. Also, I don’t have any crotch shots to share.
Oh did you notice the google logos above?
Those logos are so creative. Did you know they sometimes animate them?
Today they offered a gadget type of logo. Today's interactive guitar version their logo celebrates Les Paul's birthday. He was a top guitarist. My wife and I did enjoy another great guitarist, Chet Atkins, years ago.
Here's my goofy playing around with the gadget - whatever.
Someone at PC magazine figured out how to play a Beatle song on it.
another circus

Women do not want to see guy's junk. It's not flattering, nor attractive. Keep the junk in the trunk.
You are very right. That was the point of my other post on this. I ended that post with, drop your delusion not your pants. Now that I read my fragment in this post about that story again, I guess I was not too clear that I thought it was dumb. thanks
I spent five minutes playing with the Les Paul google thing today and forgot what I went to Google.
I heard it was their best distracting logo of all time. I got trap in it for awhile. Fun but distracting. thanks
I love seeing what Google will come up with - they even had a contest a while back that my daughter entered through school, looking for more creative ideas for changing the google header...
I have seen some of that school contest stuff. With a little searching you can find many of the entries and the winners. Thanks for dropping a comment here.
"A flagrant fragrant air was left under the bedsheets." - hehehe yes, a good opening line for your novel 'My Life In A Dog Box' ...... and as for politicians tweeting their junk - have they got nothing better to do? ... it's no wonder the world is such a mess ...
I loved the google guitar yesterday! And yes, Confusion would be a splendid cologne name
Kristina is correct. If I started getting nekid pictures of someone's stuff -- yeah, I'd sell it to the highest bidder too. Foolish man. Did he really think anyone would keep this quiet?
agreed - I explained my view on it better in my earlier post.
oh "did he really think" - that's the problem NO rational thinking going on at the time just emotional.
Great let me bottle some up and send it to you. thanks
I've been playing with that guitar since yesterday. Very cool! I wish I was Google.
Definitely spot on with the double standard. Hmm, now I'm wondering if there has been a congresswoman who has gotten into trouble for similar actions? I'm going to have to do some googling.
thanks I didn't have a title yet. Interesting, would you say "dog box" instead of "dog house"? thanks
Sec. Hillary Clinton used to play the guitar naked so she put up a youtube of her playing the google logo. Just kidding but it would go viral.
If congress becomes dominated by women in the future it will be different. Maybe better, I don't know, but there will always be stupid distractions. Women would bring different distractions but maybe more thinking.
I played Mary Had A Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle on it. I thought it was very clever and fun!! Love fun Google doodles.
A friend and I have been trying to come up with a way to hook into this system of politicians and floozies... I've read that these women end up makings erious money by selling those tweets and messages and pics. $25K for pics, $30 for interviews. Just gotta pick the right victim...
don't scare me with your victim picking
Only once did someone send me an unsolicited naked photo. But it was his backside. Lovely, but I'd not have welcomed a photo of the front view.
Thanks for that. Of course this public comment area is a place where certain language should be avoided but now that I write that some joker will come by and fill in the blanks. So you wording makes perfect sense. But in a different setting would "backside" be replace with another term if it were a plump plumber bent over in your kitchen? thanks
You are always such a gadget man!! Thanks for the heads up on the Google guitar! Twitter is not necessary but not a bad vehicle to tap the shoulder of a lot of people all at once. It is kind of made for politicians but after this week, Congressional traffic is down a full 20%. Looks like the Congresspeople agree with you Lisle! Good post as usual! W.C.C.
thanks - love gadgets even though many tend to waste your time.
OOh I love Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. I haven't heard last weeks show yet (we download them on itunes)
It is funny how men and react differently to those types of pictures. I don't like it and it would make me not want anything to do with that person. I'm so over the situation I've been ranting about it all week. But I will have to read your post about it.
Speaking of scents. I was just at the fair yesterday and I wish I could bottle that smell. Not to wear but to sniff once in a while.
Hey...is that mermaid...farting?!lol
We both talked about Google Doodles - that's funny! I go to the Google main page each day so I don't miss one. I think they are so neat. I don't know how to play a guitar so my tune was pretty standard novice.
That was a real genius idea of Google to put up fun logos. I was hoping that the recorded guitar song would continue to work but I just checked and it does not go to the recording.
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