Thursday, June 16, 2011

factoring friday fragments

Friday? - I just checked. It’s already Friday in Kathmandu so I’m posting.

I surprised myself during my first year of high school. There I was in algebra class just loving the lessons. You know those “light bulb” moments? I had never enjoyed arithmetic in grade school. It was boring. But factoring a tough polynomial was fascinating. I went on to enjoy geometry proofs, trigonometry and took advanced math classes. Regular readers might recall me mentioning my engineering career.

Many years later I had fun teaching those factoring techniques to my high school aged daughter. She achieved a high grade in math that semester. She didn’t catch the math bug like me, but I’m proud that she is a great literacy specialist now.

I think she has a bit of my odd humor because on her school web page you’ll find this quote:
Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.
~Groucho Marx~

You don’t need to solve for any unknowns or think about the inside of dog to submit a Friday Fragment post. However, be aware Mrs. 4444 the FF host is a teacher, so she probably expects us to be adults not unruly kids.  But I'm not at all sure what she thinks of me - class clown?.

not me but I like his shirt

Part of the following, I left as a comment this week:
I’m so old and out-of-touch. I thought playdates were the servers at the old playboy clubs. I heard my grandson was involved with a playdate and thought he was way too young.

I had a good laugh discussing nudist beaches with my MIL. How many of you can say that? The subject has never come up before.

It started with talking about Caribbean island vacations. I guess it triggered a few memories. From my understanding, one memory she described would freeze a permanent image in anyone’s brain. Just picture a Caribbean beach with an old saggy nudist guy bending over, sunning the parts where sun doesn’t shine much. Not the type beach balls I want to see.

Mommy's Idea

Now that I wrote that, I’m probably in trouble with Mrs. 4444. Maybe you could write me a note to the teacher. Go ahead use the comment section.

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