It's well into Friday and I'm just writing my fragments down. Typically I collect fragments during the week like our hallway collects dust bunnies. Not so this week and I can't pin down why but that's the essence of a fragment (I've never written that last phrase before). A fragment floats free and independent of reason. Ok maybe that's only philosophical fragments.
Mrs. 4444 has me hooked on the Friday Fragment weekly event. Click her button at the bottom of this post for more flippin philosophical fragments.
Oh yeah I said fast - so lets go -
Mrs. 4444's FF post (has two 4's in it this week - 144) mentioned her dislike for comment requests "...telling me to come and read their blogs...". Note to self - stop that.
Who's that shiny headed guy? (I'm not hair challenged and at times I do boast too much about my head of hair)
He is the current Commissioner of Social Security. For my sake I sure hope he is doing a great job but the reason he's listed in today's FF post is due to a funny statement he made. I enjoy finding people who lighten-up and share some fun with the world
Apparently, Elvis has fallen from the top 1000 popular names. Here's what Michael Astrue said:
"This news about Elvis has me all shook up. But that's all right mama. I'm confident that, next year, America's new parents can't help falling in love with Elvis again and moving it back into the top 1,000."
Today was Erin Burnett's last day on CNBC. What you don't watch CNBC? What do you think Michael Astrue has it all taken care of and you don't need to invest?
So Erin is moving on (more $$ I assume) to CNN. Mark Haines and her have done the morning show for 5 years. She made the boring biz news more fun and interesting. Today she gave Mark some going away gifts. Mark got all choked up and then Erin had tears flowing as she said goodbye to the show. Such a touching moment on the biz channel.
One last fragment that's biz related (it was in the biz section of an ancient thing called a newspaper).
A SAHM is calculated to be worth $61,436 per year. But of course mom is NOT replaceable. has a Mother's Day Index that calculates the cost of tasks from daycare to nursing wounds. I like the idea of recognizing all those tasks.
However, I take exception to one of them. A cost $791 for "finding out what the kids are up to". Kids do and will get into some trouble but it shouldn't be that hard to figure out if you pay attention to your kids.
another circus

I have no idea who Erin Burnett is!
If you don't watch CNBC then you probably would not, if you watch CNN in the future you might find out. I don't know when she starts. thanks
Why just stay-at-home Mom's? Most mom's, including those of us who work outside thehome, also do all that other stuff in our "free" time.
Yup--Paying attention to your kids cost nothing, monetarily, anyway.
Too bad you can't give the SS guy some of your hair :)
Maybe you didn't read my update about the drive-by commenters? (I was referring to strangers just trying to drum up business. You do not fit in that category, my friend :)
Have a great weekend!!
Hey don't shoot the messenger. I didn't put the index together. That's a good point and also there is an increasing number of SAHD's and dads that do more household chores. I did more than my dad typically did and our son does more than me. It's good trend. thanks.
I missed the update. That's good to know because I do ask bloggers that cover topics related to my post to come and read it. Sometimes the blogger actually gave me the idea and I know those cases would not have fit into your category.
I don't really feel bad about not giving away any of my hair. It would be like you giving away your good looks. Did that make sense? There are many things to share with others but there are things you just don't share. Good teeth, perfect nails, karate kicks (that's not called sharing), good hearing and I can't think of another one.
Ditto Kristina P.
But I don't watch any TV.
I like you mentioning your mounds of hair. Good for you to have so much hair still. Not that you're old. Ha. You do have a nice head of hair. My hubby does too. The social security guy already has no hair on top but he does have a big smile.
I don't know much about the guy other than his picture and his quote. However his funny quote and big smile has me thinking he is fun guy to know. thanks
Woohoo!!! Both stay at home Mama's and those workin' Mama's are worth more than any dollar figure we would put on 'em. Mamas are just priceless!
Have a happy Mother's Day weekend ya'll and go hug a Mama! :o)
go hug a Mama - that's a good one thanks
Happy Mother's Day
What is the wife worth if she doesn't take care of the kids at all? I'm too old for that anymore so no worries - just wondering if there was a discount? I like Erin Burnett too but probably will still tune in to CNBC for biz news. CNN and Fox work for me in the news but I really do not like MSNBC most of the time. W.C.C.
There are things for which you should not go for the discount - women, tattoos, heart surgery, - But really the prices on emotions never work. You can't buy me love - remember?
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