Sunday, March 06, 2011

Do you give good comments?

Sometimes I think my comments are just marvelous. I had a post the other day and really think my reply comment (replies count as comments over here) was better than the post.

"Well youngster let me tell you about the rock and roll underground. Ever hear of FM? Why I remember dark nights staying up late trying to tune-in an underground FM station. We had to turn knobs back then no fancy push button radios. A good FM station would play whole album sides NON-stop. What you don't even own a radio anymore?
Well drop my roach and burn the shag carpet!
You need some rock and roll education."

I didn’t get a response to the reply. Sometimes I do.

I’m not egotist. But some of my comments are.

Just today I found myself writing a comment on a photo blog like I knew what the hell I’m talking about. I think the internet can be a little dangerous that way. You can easily come across as something that you are not.

I’m not saying bloggers are con men. They are not because most of the bloggers I know are women. People do have wisdom but it’s often drowned out by their own flood of opinion. You know what they say about opinions. You don’t want to see those all the time.

I’m not real sure if there is even a point to this post. Maybe I’m just saying lighten-up go ahead comment but don’t take it so seriously. I’m not.

Do you ever wonder what would happen if people talked to each other at a party like they comment online? I don’t but if you do let me know.

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