Saturday, January 22, 2011

things dumb and dumber

Just in case you forgot this is a blog and of course the following is my opinion. You can express your opinion in the comments and if you are respectful (most everyone is) I’ll leave your opinion up here.

Today I heard about a few dumb things and thought you might want to know about them.

These ideas are candidates for my a-few-clowns-short-of-a-circus hall of fame which I have not started yet but should real soon.

Whisky in a can.

I don’t know if it is on the shelves at my local liquor store yet but I will skip past it. I don’t think beer should be in can. Certainly 12 ounces of whisky makes little sense in a pop-open can.

Most people drink whisky in a mix. If you do drink shots you still should use a shot glass. Hey did you notice, I just wrote “glass”. Whisky belongs in a glass that you can reseal.

Having your wedding at a funeral home

I could write many a post (note to self another to-do item) on the wasted money related to weddings. So don’t misunderstand, I am all for saving some money. There are other ways to save on wedding costs than booking your reception in a funeral home. Really.

A bizarre reception like this could run into problems. Most funeral homes I have visited have multiple rooms. What if there was a wake going on at the same time as your wedding reception? Weddings tend to be much louder than wakes.  You can't wake up the dead but you sure could bother their family.
"At first, when I pulled up and saw it was a funeral home, it did concern me," she admitted. "But when we walked in and saw everything, it was overwhelming. I fell in love and thought it was the perfect place. It was breathtaking ..."
Yeah that corpse in the next room isn't taking a breath.

Maybe you could get a great deal on slightly used flowers?

Finally - don’t text while walking in the mall
Look what can happen
(update 1/24/2011 - looks like youtube took the video down) 

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