Tuesday, January 04, 2011

can’t play standing still

unless you are playing statue.

People typically move a little even while playing mind games. Did you ever do that staring at each other game where the first one to laugh loses? People that can wiggle their ears always win.

Games - I love them (except for the type of mind games that can ruin a relationship but that’s a misuse of the word).

Jillsy Girl loves games too. I know because she is always creating new ones. Check out her blog, you’ll see.

She has this Wednesday Word game (good thing we have a day starting with W). This week the word is 


Balance does not mean being still. Ride a bike? You will need balance.

I’m compelled to join in on this word because I think it’s the secret of the universe. Yeah right, you say. Did you ever think about the secret of the universe? Ever hear of yin and yang? Those two cousins renting an apartment in Chinatown.

Excuse me while I fluff-up my Einstein hair.

Matter - Antimatter - This guy, Paul Dirac, was working on this quantum mechanic equation problem (not your car mechanic problem by any means) and predicted antielectrons. A few years later (1932) they found some and called them positrons. I posted this about antimatter before if you interested.

So there is this natural balance in nature. For me it applies to everything about your life. Live a balanced life. Too much of anything in excess is bad. Figuring out the balance is the biggest problem. It’s not like balancing your checking account. It’s more than simple math.
  • Balanced tires
  • Trade balance
  • Balanced diet
  • Balanced portfolio
  • New Balance shoes (hey I’m counting this because I wear them)
  • Chemical Balance
  • Balance control on your stereo
  • Balancing the scales of truth
  • Balance beam
  • Color balance
Blogging offers a chance to practice balance. Anyone who has blogged for awhile knows it can start to overwhelm your time. You need to balance it with real life.

Having a bad day?  Balance it with a happy memory and a smile.

Are you still in the game? Are you ready to play? Keep moving, you can't play standing still.

Click over to Jillsy Girl for more on "Balanced"

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