You know it’s a significant day if that day has an “eve” day associated with it. Why don’t we have Labor Day eve? For the followers of Mrs. 4444 the Friday Fragment day is a special day and it occurs most every Friday.
On with the fragments -
Nice surprise call from a friend today, he had the day off and we met for coffee. Back when he wasn’t working full time (are we not working at something all the time even if we don’t get paid?) we would met a few times a month. Our favorite Starbucks was also frequented by a couple of unusual guys. I’m reluctant to say homeless because I don’t know for sure. One of these guys was in the news because he became a nuisance to the local city and there were some court hearings.
This shabby looking guy (he could be confused for me on some days) would sit in Starbucks on a laptop and tend to himself. Had he not brought a pile of “camping gear” with him, you might not even notice him. My friend and I referred to these guys as “the campers”.
Today “the camper” was camped on the side of the road in front of the Starbucks. There was lots of stuff around him and I wondered if he still had the generator he had when he camped out in the downtown area. Is a person homeless if they drag a generator and small tent with them? He even ran for mayor of the town once.
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I survived another holiday season. I say “survived” because honestly all the hoopla around the holidays bothers me some. I enjoy Christmas but I think there is a pressure placed on us to go overboard with it. It’s not a holiday I look forward to very much.
One thing I believe about Christmas - it’s really all about children.
This past Christmas eve I accepted a new assignment. Yes Virginia there is, I was Santa Claus.
Our neighbor requested (through my wife who doubted that I would accept) that I play Santa for her cousin’s kids. They had the suit and labeled all the presents for me to pass out. All I had to do was put on the suit and be jolly. Afterward I was told that I was a success at Santa.
There was a little confusion about the time I was to arrive at the house (on the same street as us) and the outfit took a little time to put on. Planning ahead a little too much, I put the whole thing including hat, wig and beard on too soon. I started to get hot in the suit. My wife and daughter gave me the idea that I should take a walk around the block. So I did. I met two adults while I was strolling as Santa. I learned something - if you meet a person while dressed as Santa, just say Ho Ho Ho and they will reply.
The kids who did not know me enjoyed my visit (I was passing out presents so what’s not to enjoy) but one little girl (5 or 6) was especially fascinated by my visit. She was a true believer. She sat up front, asked questions and as I was leaving made sure I had her address so I would not miss her house - cute.
from Chicago Tribune site
Hey any of you read “Brenda Starr” comics? Well then you probably know it’s coming to an end for the redhead. I don’t read it but I read the often serious column that the author Mary Schmich writes for the Chicago Tribune. Here’s more about it if you are interested - link.
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