Anyone game to play this game?
Does anyone want to come out to play?
(oh that's right it's 2010 and we would need to set-up a "play date" first)
You know I never cared much for schedules. Planning is OK, but schedules are often guesses and can be restrictive.
Well if you have been following this blog very long you may have read the "where's the clown" posts. This will be number 8. Many bloggers would schedule something like this for every Tuesday or something. I don't know what I'm going to be feeling like next Tuesday so I'm not going to create a self imposed schedule and then be late (worst than a diet - I don't do diets either).
Ok it's a simple game (no prizes - life is not all wedding cake you know). You can register you guess in the comments below. Also if you are really up to playing along, then post a similar picture challenge on your blog and leave the post address (URL) in the comments.
So where's the clown been to take this picture below?
That one is too easy to Google. I won't post the answer to make others look it up themselves....You should have obscured the name of the catsup....or Ketchup in my house.
thanks - yeah I knew it could be easy with search engines but I think some people don't bother to search things much. Why do those stupid urban legends go around and around so long?
Ketchup - yes that would be the way I would spell it.
Like searching? Here's a funny thing I saw during my trip. Two city water towers labeled "Hot" and "Cold". Go search and find that one.
I didn't know either and looked it up. So I'll let someone else take a guess.
wow you guys are so honest - i would trust you in poker
ok, ... I'll take a wild guess ... it's in Ozark County ... and that's not just an excuse to use the word 'Ozark' ... twice ... :)
I think I have seen this place on the news near St. Louis. It is some kind of ROCKET factory or something right? When I was in school I always wanted to do a an architectual essay book of 'themed' water towers around the States. I still think that would be a lot of fun as a coffee table conversation starter! Nice picture! W.C.C.
Wow, I am horrible with this! I've been nowhere. I guess Google is your friend.
this was on my way home with just a slight detour. I remember seeing it almost 30 yrs ago.
Those are pretty good clues for those that don't care to run through the search engines. Yes near St. Louis and yes a factory, but cmon - rockets? The factory made what the water tower looks like - ketchup/catsup.
No. It's a few hours drive from Ozark County. BTW - we pronounce that Oh-zark in case you were wondering. I guess someone might think it's Oz-ark.
Well, it is clear as a bell on google my friend. Is it near where you live? Aren't you in Illinois?
Illinois is a long state, I'm up in the northern part. The fancy water tower is in the southern part.
I guess I'll add a comment about the exact location.
Ok with the use of the internet and wonderful search engines like google or bing, the location of this odd water tower is at your fingertips. There's even a web site dedicated to the fans of the water tower.
So you can still guess before you search it which is like the Geo Quiz in the paper (answer on page 4).
I love this!!!
That is officially The World's Largest Catsup Bottle. Unfortunately, for fry lovers it is actually filled with water instead of the aforementioned condiment. False advertising, if you ask me.
I thought they should open a fast food place near the bottom and run a pipe over to the restaurant. That would keep people guessing.
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