Monday, May 10, 2010

Honest and Blunt

News flash from the future -
Web based viewing of commercial ads surpasses network viewing.

Check out these different commercials on youtube. The common thing is they are perfect for youtube.

What the hell do I know about trends? Nothing, but I'm honest. That ad executive making well into 6 figures does not know either.

But I've noticed something and most of us would like this if it happened.  Two things I've noticed:
  1. DVR's or Tivo usage is popular because you can skip commercials.
  2. Good commercials can go viral on youtube.

So someday it clicks that the clicks for commercials come from the web and they realize the network run ones are not working so they are dropped. This would benefit the viewer by fewer ads on TV and better made ads on the web.  People will watch ads that are well done and entertaining.

My "Another Circus" is my blog collection of favorite internet video clips.

Here's my all time favorite ad found on the web - 
Best beer ad (only half a minute)

Oh if you don't comment on my blog, like the man in the first clip said, it ain't going to hurt my feelings.


Suzi said...

you are totally right! a good commercial can stand on it's own and marketers will have to come up with a new, more interesting way of getting their point across if they want to stay relevent.

greeneyedmomster said...

I have a LOT of catching up to do with you and your posts. I'm sorry I've been soooo busy IRL. I'm trying my best to catch up.....

TechnoBabe said...

Interesting. I rather enjoyed the first commercial for the mobile homes. I like that type of humor. And family part of it.
I can applaud the ingenuity of the car commercial but for some reason it sorta bugged me. They did a great job with it, fast clips and constant changing scenes which usually appeal to people who are used to watching television. Which I am not. So for me it brought the old itchy nervous thing from when I watched television to the surface.
Good job with this lisleman, like the way you find these things.

oceangirl415 said...

You found the most interesting videos.

Charlie Callahan said...

Why should a company advertise on network TV when it costs thousands of dollars for 10 seconds (the average attention span), the ad is sandwiched between a dozen others, and they know about TIVO? YouTube is free, and there is more time to be creative (the Swagger Wagon ad is 2½ long). People on YouTube watch by choice; there is no choice on the networks.

Is network tv headed for Jurassic Park? I think it has been for a long time.

lisleman said...

Youtube is free now but I wonder if companies running ads like the Swagger Wagon will be charged. Google is getting ad revenue from youtube already. But yes we agree about network ads. I think network TV will be around but it does need to change it's biz model. It's not going to be the same TV in a few years. Cmon, radio is still here, so I think it will last in some form.

lisleman said...

thanks for thoughtful comment. I don't watch very much TV and (maybe I should have included this) currently do NOT have a DVR. There has been some recent discussion about getting a DVR though. TV never made me nervous just bored.

lisleman said...

thanks - I remember the Phil Collins version and the eyebrow kids but had not seen this new one. It's good but I like the Phil Collins one better. How did they get him to stay in that gorilla suit?

lisleman said...

Oh don't even give it a second thought. The blog is not going away.

dave hambidge said...

The session drummer in the suit has done studio work with Phil Collins, apparently; great skill though in that outfit!

sassychica said...

who doesnt love a good commercial?!?
Thanks for sharing these...

Sassy Chica

KristinaP said...

Sadly, since we are apparently in 1989 at my work, and are running on IE 6, I can't see the videos. But I do love my 2 DVRs. Somehow, I still manage to see very informercial, known to man.

lisleman said...

I know many work places block youtube so it might not be the old technology. I think work places should trust their employees enough to allow youtube access but it's their internet connection so I guess they have the right to control it.
thanks for sharing

frau said...

I tend to like commercials, I have been living in Germany and I miss understand ing commercials..I'm looking forward to moving back and watching TV!!

unknownmami said...

Sucks for the actors though, 'cause you only get residuals when it airs on TV.

I love the Swagger Wagon; it's awesome!

lisleman said...

thanks for taking a look. I thought that residuals thing on the web was fixed when the writers went on strike a few years ago. But then again maybe that only applied to the writers.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Having been in the ad biz I LOVED THESE ADS! I wish marketers and their ad agencies would step-up and get out of the very small boxes they live in-- And I wish stars like Jennifer Aniston would agree to do fun commercials like the Beer spot in the US-- Why does Europe get all the good stuff :-)


lisleman said...

Interesting comment on Europe. Of course, they don't have some FCC group that will be called in front of congress for a loose nipple. I'm not suggesting they start showing frontal nudity but they could do a better job on the humor. Some of the SNL fake ads should be real ones.
thanks JJ

dave hambidge said...

Interesting thoughts boss! Here in britland most of our commercial adverts are about 25-30 seconds long, 6-7 making the "ad slot" every 12-15 minutes on commercial station such as ITV, C4 etc. Some are memorably bad, some good, the majority utter crap. Ocasionally one longer goes into the world class category. Do you know this one?

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