Thursday, April 08, 2010

airlines going wrong direction with fees

Here's an airline idea, charge real low dirt cheap ticket prices and then charge a large fee if you actually show up to take the flight.

I think that's what Spirit Airlines is trying to do.  Did you see their latest announcement?
Spirit Airlines will start charging as much as $45 for carry-on bags.

Did you notice it said carry-on bags?  The only "free" bags are ones that can fit under the seat.  I've never flown Spirit (flying spirit - reminds me of the afterlife) and don't ever plan to.  Someone told me that on an international flight to South America, Spirit charged them for water!

While searching around on this subject I came across the idea that this new carry-on charge makes vacations to a nudist resort more attractive.  Ok, I follow that logic but with the TSA rules you'll only be able to bring along 3 oz. of sunscreen and suntan lotion.  There are parts that I would never want to burn.

I think the charge for the first bag discourages you from flying.  A second bag charge seems reasonable.

Today the Chicago Tribune had a front page story about this battle of the bags.
"...The 10 largest U.S. carriers collected $739.8 million in baggage charges during the third quarter of 2009, double prior-year totals, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics..."

Did you heard of these women in Liverpool UK?  

Well at least these two women didn't try to sneak their stiff on board inside their carry-on.  They had a ticket for the dead guy.

Woman Arrested After Trying to Check-In Dead Husband for Flight

I suspect they didn't think this flying the dead husband idea through very well.  They placed him in a wheelchair but were they going to drag him on and off the plane?

Of course if you are dead you don't need take along any baggage, so no extra fees.

I do remember a time (80's 90's) when flying was enjoyable.  I can recall having fun trips and the airplane ride could even add to the fun.  Here's a post that recalls those fun trips.
A recent trip required some flying time.  Shortly after landing I felt a cold coming on.  Good thing I didn't start coughing at the airport because the airline would have charged me for taking a cold.

On the way out our flight was overbooked but we didn't want to sacrifice any vacation time so we were not interested.  Coming back a connecting flight was overbooked and I jumped on the offer of a voucher for taking the next flight.  It turned out great.  We were only delayed about 2+ hours.  This time gave us a chance to eat dinner at this great Cuban restaurant at the Miami airport  (sorry I can't recall the name at the moment).

Have you ever taken the offer to give up your seats?

Do you know about Flying Pinto's blog?  I have mentioned her blog up here before.  You should check it out and maybe send her a question about flying.  I going to ask her about this crazy carry on trend.

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