I've written about my interest in Chicago movie making before. The summer 2008 Batman movie was full of Chicago street scenes. Remember the truck flipping end over end. That was on LaSalle St.
Now the hype is building for the July 1 release of Public Enemies.
My post on it from last year has some good background links (and I just checked - they're still good).
There has been numerous other big movies made in Chicago. Home Alone, Backdraft, Blues Brothers, and the Fugitive to name a few. Here's a long list.
Do you agree it makes a movie more interesting when you recognize some of the locations?
In addition to the promotional value given to a location, the filming brings in local revenue.
The Chicago Tribune reports that Public Enemies beat The Dark Knight on the local revenue generated. "Public Enemies," generated $46.7 million in revenue for Illinois, compared with $40 million for "The Dark Knight." That's a good chunk of change!
Deals are negotiated on a case-by-case basis for the use of restaurants or bars. The money can be thousands of dollars a day of shooting.
BTW it does seem that Chicago filmed movies tend to be crime related. It's a big sometimes nasty city but it's not as crime ridden as the movies would make you believe.
I've been lucky to visit some sights that have been movie locations. Two of the most interesting ones (other than Chicago) I visited were Savannah GA. and Squam Lakes NH. Do you know the movies for those two places?

Being an extra in movie would be a thrill. I have a brother-in-law that was in American Pie (filmed in CA).
Savannah GA, of course is Forest Gump. Searching for movie sites to visit is fun too. We've been to the LA hotel at the top of Rodeo Dr - Pretty Woman (the inside is not like in the movie), we went white water rafting in the mountains of North Carolina looking for the train wreck from Fugitive and found it. We've searched also in NC for what we heard was the site for Dirty Dancing (but could not find it). Then there is the Pike Place Fish Market! (Sorry if the comment is too long, but those were the good times).
@ocean girl - you're right about Forest Gump (the scenes waiting for the bus). However the movie that had even more filmed scenes in Savannah was Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. The story (based on a true story) took place there.
Fugitive train wreck - that's interesting - what's there to see?
Seattle's Pike Place - great place.
I enjoy longer comments so go ahead and write.
Yes loved Midnight in the Garden too, great Clint Eastwood movie. There's not much left of the wreck, but it is there. Go for for the mom-approved white-water!
So, what movie was at Squam Lakes NH?
Clint Eastwood ? Ok I thought we were talking different movies. Just checked - yes he was the director.
midnight in the garden of good and evil
The Squam Lake movie was titled On Golden Pond.
thanks for getting me to check
I'm looking forward to Public Enemies. I'm a sucker for films about gangsters from the past.
@alantru - yes the PAST ones are not as dangerous.
Early this year, Joey the Clown (mob hit man) was sentenced to life in prison. He was no clown.
With all that money you're making on "Sick Days" you should travel to Chicago to see the film. Of course you could then drive around and see some of the places.
@alantru - yes the PAST ones are not as dangerous.
Early this year, Joey the Clown (mob hit man) was sentenced to life in prison. He was no clown.
With all that money you're making on "Sick Days" you should travel to Chicago to see the film. Of course you could then drive around and see some of the places.
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