Tuesday, July 11, 2023

drift zone

While I was out wandering (drifting?) the internet a few days ago, I stumbled onto amazing stories some odd stuff to post.
"As we drift into the zone" 
"Drift" and "zone" combine in my head to mean that moment you unconsciously slide into automatic thinking/creating. The drift into the zone line comes from the lyrics of "Island In The Sun" by Weezer. The song was in a list of relaxing songs I was listening to.
If you do an image search for "drifting" you'll see plenty of race cars going sideways with tires billowing smoke.
20181028 Colt Harvey and Aaron Gray

This type of racing reminds me more of the ridiculous fantasy car commercials of today than the auto racing I watched growing up. I guess the drivers get into the zone while sliding down the track sidewise. I wondered if that many car buyers let their fantasy decide their purchase.

Drifting over to news stories on the internet (pardon the burning tire smell), I learned entrepreneur, Joseph Pedott, died at the age of 91 recently. Mr. Pedott's company made a fortune selling chia pets.

Chia pet research lead to a chia pet car. I didn't get into the chia zone but I found the video by the creator of a chia car very interesting. She probably got into some type of zone while creating her chia car.

I'm zoned out for now and will soon drift to sleep. Later.

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