Remember climbing up high on your tricycle and riding like the wind?
Too bad we couldn’t plug earphones into a mp3 player while we raced down the sidewalk. If I had this song playing I could have ridden beyond the wind. I’m not sure I knew which way the Mexican border was but I would ride like the wind to get there.
Of course I would need permission to cross a few busy streets (and lunch money too).
Too bad we couldn’t plug earphones into a mp3 player while we raced down the sidewalk. If I had this song playing I could have ridden beyond the wind. I’m not sure I knew which way the Mexican border was but I would ride like the wind to get there.
Of course I would need permission to cross a few busy streets (and lunch money too).

I am impressed that you can remember riding a tricycle. I remember riding a two wheeler with training wheels but I can't go back before that. My husband has a great memory too but my memory is fairly poor relating to my early childhood.
I remember Christopher Cross! Wow, that brought back memories. Who is the other singer in the song? Do you know?
I have no real memory of riding a regular tricycle (although I know we had one), but I do remember riding a Big Wheel down the sidewalk.
It's a fuzzy memory. I don't remember details of my preschool days much at all. Of course, I didn't say when I stopped riding my tricycle.
I still have the vinyl album that the picture in the clip is was taken from. No I don't recall another singer in the song. Are you sure there is another singer? Now you have me wondering.
The big wheel came out after I was on two wheels. Of course you are younger than me. As I mentioned in the other comment, the memories are fuzzy. The "regular" ones had that little platform over the back axle so you could hop on the back while your friend pedaled.
A little wikipedia searching - It features backing vocals by Michael McDonald and a guitar solo by Cross.
GOOD ears!
I love Christopher Cross! He used to play at a little pizza place in Houston we hung out at on the weekends. I saw him recently at a fundraising concert at Austin City Limits. Ah, memories. I don't remember riding my trike, but I do remember riding like the wind on my bicycle!
I remember walking to the corner with my dad, and my uncle, just back from the war. I rode home like the wind, on a tall tricycle,
When I lived in Germany and only had a bicycle to ride the song that I always had playing in my mind was Queen's Bicycle Race....but this would have worked nicely also! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
thanks for sharing. I don't know much about him. So he is a Texan. Very interesting to be able to remember enjoying an artist's work before they became a hit. Does he still draw a crowd? It certainly took performers longer to reach big audiences than it does today.
Great memory - everyone's walking back then was just to get from A to B and not necessarily exercise. Keep riding like the wind. thanks
I know that Queen song but it's not a big favorite. Of course how many bicycle song are there? The situation in Germany offered you more exercise opportunities I guess. thanks
That is a good point. If you were 10 at the time, my memory probably could reach that far back....or maybe not. My brother and I remember things very differently so I might have faulty memory.
I'm no expert on memories but I watched a documentary or two. Funny how a book, magazine article or documentary makes us feel like experts. Recall of memories of even recent events have been shown to differ among viewers of the same event. Our minds play tricks. Just ask any magician.
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