Come and get them. Fragments from the greatest minds of blogland are free for the reading over at Mrs. 4444’s blog. Fragments are a type of fast food for your reading mind.
Did you know humans have been brewing beer for much longer than roasting coffee? Ancient clay tablets found in Mesopotamia, indicate that brewing was a fairly well respected occupation, and that the majority of brewers were probably women. These woman may have been priestesses. I would have no problem worshiping women who could brew a good pint.
Taxes - (not endorsing or getting paid but would be willing to write something if offered) Once again I finished our taxes using TurboTax. I prefer to download the program onto my computer. This year and last the program presented me with the suggestion of sharing my finish with friends on FB. No thanks, I don’t feel the need to share that moment. (of course I’m mentioning it here?) Later I realized that I finished on April 1 and thought the coincidence was worth a mention on FB. I wrote:
Did you hear how Target missed the target? Target's online offering of a gray dress became an insult. In most sizes the color was described as “dark heather gray” but in the plus size the same dress color became “manatee gray”. Wow that’s a dumb mistake and a dumb color name.
What dumb color names could you create?
Did you know humans have been brewing beer for much longer than roasting coffee? Ancient clay tablets found in Mesopotamia, indicate that brewing was a fairly well respected occupation, and that the majority of brewers were probably women. These woman may have been priestesses. I would have no problem worshiping women who could brew a good pint.
I filed my taxes today. It's best to file on April 1 because the IRS has a great sense of humor.
flaming flamingo pink,
cockroach brown,
orca patterned shorts
New word of the post - consanguinity. I learned that word from this interesting article about the sperm industry (not sure what the players in this space call it). I knew there were sperm donation centers in existence. I’ve never come across a center. The industry shot off much after my fatherhood so I didn’t pay much attention to ads for donors and such. I believe they attract mostly college age donors. The article’s title was a news flash for me. It’s title is, “Come and get it: how sperm became one of America's hottest exports.” (play on words?) I’ll probably create a post based on this news since I have a few questions to share with you about it.
(proofreading provided by C. F. Eyecare)
Manatee gray? Ouch! That was very insensitive. Not cool Target!
Filing taxes on April 1st. HAHA! How about filing it under George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? Oh wait, they didn't have federal taxes then.
I don't drink beer, but have no issue with brewing it so that men will worship me! =)
Happy Friday!
Obviously, the person that named the plus size dress color "manatee gray" isn't a plus sized person or they would of seen the problem with that choice.
Taxes...I hate the whole process. Our accountant works on these for at least 6 weeks then I have until May 15th to deal with Texas franchise taxes. I have to go in today to sign some things before they can be electronically sent. Our country's tax code is a nightmare.
I don't drink beer but I love to go to micro-breweries. The process of beer making is pretty interesting.
Beer rules! I love a good ale, beer, grog, whatever. Sometimes, I indulge in other spirits, but my heart (and my gut) also goes for beer.
What a major faux pas with the name of the gray. In both dark heather gray or manatee gray, that dress is kinda ugly.
We have an accountant (that we lovingly refer to as "Shady Lady" do our taxes - I've appreciated handing the stress over to someone else. ;) It would be hilarious to file on April Fool's Day, though! :)
Cool info about beer brewing - from what I can gather, beer making did precede winemaking, though I prefer wine over beer (hence my winemaking vs. beer brewing). ;)
Good set of fraggy frags. I did hear about the Target dressed and almost pitched it for my new job, but then I just let it go. Poor manatees. Just in case I've never said it before, I would like to thank you for your long and continued support. You've been an excellent bloggy buddy.
Ah I don't think the manatees were offended. Thank you very much. You have an excellent blog and personality. Your internet personality is great so I suspect the real life one is too. Blog on.
I enjoy wine too but not as much. I'll do vineyard wine tasting especially if the weather is nice. I didn't pay much attention to the dress but I understand they used that color name on other items too.
Cool, beer, Cajun food, Latin American food, - you have it going on. Now if you were to buy me a Hurricane or a beer. I might go for the Hurricane. thanks
What you just eat the salty snacks at the micro-breweries? Most of the color names are stupid IMHO. The manatee one is stupid and insulting. The tax system can always use improvement. It's probably the most common government thing we pay attention too.
You are welcome to that idea of brewing for worship. I can't imagine living at the time of GW and TJ. No blogs!
Why did the color name have to change for plus size is ridiculous, Cute cartoon! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I read that two different people at Target did the ads? Ridiculous is a good color name. thanks
This is the 2nd year we've -- ok, my husband -- used TurboTax. I don't think he finished on April 1, but it did give him an option to share it on FB, which I think is weird. Probably a marketing ploy on TT's part.
I did hear about the manatee gray dress! I didn't realize it was just for the plus sized dresses. Yeesh!
I agree it's an advertising trick for TurboTax. Yeesh might be a good name for a color. thanks
Yay! Your comment section is back! That cartoon really made me laugh out loud! And manatee gray?? Sigh. Guess it was someone's idea of a joke. Glad they were busted!
I didn't think joke. Maybe stupidity or lack of thinking an idea through. Glad the comment section is working for you. Still wondering what happened to it. thanks
There's a reproductive health clinic in the office suite below. I know a lot of people who have come and gone through those doors hoping to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. Still, it's hard not to think about what's going on down there while I'm typing away at my desk.
That's funny - what's going on underneath your floor. Does this reproductive health clinic include a sperm donation center? I might have posted my idea about the sperm exports and such if this bombing didn't take place. I'll get around to it. The sperm story is not going to swim away. thanks
I've been using TurboTax for years and this year downloaded it directly to my computer. I even googled to get a beter price on it, then again to find a discount code for another 5% off. Wish it were that easy to save extra on my taxes!
I agree searching for better prices is easier than finding tax benefits. An beneficial information search ability is comparing tax rates of different locations. It's not the biggest factor in determining where to live but should be considered. thanks
I use a similar tax system here - our financial year goes from 1 July to 30 June. Our tax forms have to be lodged by end of October the same year or we get fined. Gray dress (of course we spell it grey). I often wonder who comes up with these names including perfume names etc.I once won about 50 lip glosses because i came up with a name for a new lip gloss. I think I called it Summer Haze or some such drivel. Love the cartoon!
You named a lip gloss and all you got was 50 samples? They probably made much much more on that one. thanks
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