I still enjoy (also pay for but enjoy that part less) the Chicago Tribune real-tree-made paper. A newspaper just goes good with my black coffee (you can't catch a spill with my laptop).
Yeah now I remember. It was about helicopter parents. The type that fly around without a permit or license.
A 21 year-old college student became so frustrated with her helicopter parents that she went to court. Using an anti-stalking law she got a protection order against her parents in court.
My first reaction was to think how could the situation became so bad that discussing and arguing about it did not resolve it. She is not a law student, but is studying music theater.
It was reported that her parents would travel 600 miles for surprise visits to check up with her at school. They would skype to check that she was in her dorm room. They put monitoring software on her computer and smartphone.
Before I went to court I think I would skyped them from a local bar to show them where I study. The girl is 21. Let her be.
Her parents did drop their tuition support after the court ordered them to drop contact and stay at least 500 feet away from her. She is such a good student that the school offered her a full scholarship for her senior year.
I did read this in the Chicago Tribune but since they decided to start charging for content (link might not go thru) I'm going to offer you a link to the Huffington Post coverage of it.
another circus

I've been accused of being a hovering mother, so I'm always glad to hear about others who make me look downright negligent!!
i sometimes joke that I am a wet wool blanket parent.
I think it's a bit extreme on both sides. I love my daughter but trust her also. I would never go as far to push her out of my life like that. Sad situation.
The Today Show had a segment on that story. Pretty and talented young woman (it appears). The parents seem to have attached their whole reason for living to their kid. It's really a shame that it came to a complete separation as opposed to some family counseling.
As for a real paper newspaper. I, also, still get the Kansas City Star delivered. There is just something nice about sitting down and reading a newspaper.
Ah, the fine line between parenting and stalking . . .
Is that line the police line? I think monitoring during the teen years are necessary but at 21 a person's parents should back off. Hopefully you have a 21 year-old that still wants to be in contact. Very few want to be controlled. thanks
I would not of guess that. I don't know many answers but trying to live vicariously through your children and be bad for both sides.
Wet wool - hmm scratchy and hard to move away. A low tech version of helicopter parenting?
It is a sad situation. Any family dispute that can't be settle between the members and needs a court is sad. thanks
Yes the article describes a young woman that appears to "have it all together". Without knowing either side, my guess is the parents are more to blame. Great that you are supporting a newspaper and hopefully recycling.
Amazing what you learn from reading a newspaper! Funny story. Wonder what their holiday dinner was like??? Okay to give a link to my blog, about my holiday? www.i-cant-believe-im-not-bitter.com
thanks - I don't have a problem with readers leaving a link. It's the spam machines that don't even read the post and leave many links to who knows what that bothers me. I'll be over to read your post soon.
Good grief. I care about my 19 year old who is in college, but I do NOT hover.
Caring and controlling of course are very different. From your blog stories you appear to be a very sensible parent with a good relationship with her kids. thanks
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