Wednesday, October 24, 2012

send lawyers, guns and a happymeal

Where are the riveting courtroom drama movies of years past?

"Presumed Innocent" 
"Erin Brockovich"  
"A Few Good Men"
"Kramer vs. Kramer" 
"Runaway Jury"

Alright, the last one was never made into a movie. 
Years ago during some random clicking and link following I stumbled upon the Happymeal-gate

Happymeal-gate - are we ever going to get past the watergate thing?

Short story (a brief?) - Hot shot Chicago lawyer told a judge that she was

"a few French Fries short of a Happy Meal"

and he almost lost his license in that court. He was dropped by the client and probably (I'm guessing) a few fries short on his year-end bonus.

Hmm - wonder if he had used "a few clowns short of a circus" instead perhaps the judge would have let it go?

This could be a new version of that Warren Zevon song.

Send lawyers guns and a happymeal,
the Big Mac about to hit the fan.

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