Thursday, August 16, 2012

friday fragment fricassee

I don’t cook (microwave and toaster meals fail to rate as cooking) so I want to point out there are no recipes (for food) in my blog.  See, I just wanted to use the word fricassee.

That doesn’t mean you can’t stew a bowl of fragments though. Since I don’t cook, I know little about Mrs. 4444’s cooking blog, except that it exists. It’s her other blog, “Half-past kissin’ time”, that hosts the wonderful, educational, funny, make-your-day, quintessence friday post called Friday Fragments (full disclosure she has given me a unsolicited shout-out before).

Mommy's Idea

I make an effort to impress my grandkids. Hopefully it’s not a scary impression (I'm always wondering what they are thinking in these pics).

This week a small marker was placed in a Chicago shopping center to mark the spot where the President and First Lady had their initial kissin’ time. They were sitting on a curb sharing ice cream.  I got a laugh from the last part of the Chicago Tribune article

...But things are a lot different today than they were back in 1989. 

Fifteen-year-old Justen Jackson, a ninth-grader at Hyde Park Academy, said it would be hard to find a girl who would be impressed with a first date at an ice cream shop.
"It's nice, but I wouldn't bring anyone here on a first date," Justen said. "They're going to want to go somewhere better than Subway or Baskin-Robbins.".... 

Kissing can be a riot - see story of pic here

Many days I reflect and think, damn things are tough, why can't blah, blah, blah. But then I remember my mother’s teaching of always being able to find those better off and those worst off than yourself. Yeah, it would be much worse if I was say, a vegetarian cattle rancher. I need to stop growling at the day.

I don’t understand this but I found the headline so interesting (here’s the link):

Fruit flies offer DNA clue to why women live longer 

I love it when readers go for a scroll on my blog. I have slideshow at the bottom of the page and plan to change it occasionally. Please feel free to scroll around the blog.

(proofreading provided by C. F. Eyecare)

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