Thursday, July 12, 2012

fanciful fabricated fragments floating falsetto from farm boys

(Warning: The post you are about to read contains Lisleman's opinion. Facts might be found to be fiction if they were actually fact checked. The opinions presented are not fully thought through. Sometimes I sit on my ass too long and it shows.) 

You may have noticed I enjoy thinking of new titles for my Friday Fragment (FF) posts. Freeing these ‘f’ words keeps my mind frost free. This might be my longest title ever.  Fragments are always in fashion on Fridays at Mrs. 4444’s blog.

Mommy's Idea

How do you season your seasons?

Missing spongebob squarepants? 

There was full page ad in Wednesday’s Chicago Tribune (nice to see ad support for our newspaper) alerting us in oversized (over an inch tall) letters to the current media crisis. 

Direct TV and Viacom have SpongeBob wrung out in their failed biz deal

today’s technology - picking up sister at a city on my road trip - checked out airport layout online before I left - found a McDonalds near the airport with free Wifi - able to look at pictures of the street where I turn for the McDonalds - check flight status while sipping a smoothie. Yeah I guess with a smartphone I could even skip the McDonalds part but the smoothie was good.

If you are curious about the story behind the above picture taken the other day then click here

I like my road time with music. Most of the time traveling with my sister last week was filled with conversation. I had brought a couple of CD of kids songs for our grand niece who traveled part of the trip with us. I was a little surprised to discover my sister did not care for the song “Baby Monkey” at all.

If your ears have not been delighted to this tune, then here’s a copy I found on youtube. (who needs squarepants if you have baby monkeys)


One more youtube/google thing - 
Yesterday I discovered a google site that allows you to create a quick google searching video. I quickly threw this one together using the “Baby Monkey” theme. I promise more to come as I ponder better search themes. What do you think of this creation that took less than 10 minutes to make?


(proofreading provided by C. F. Eyecare)

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