(do da do )
do you want to know a secret?
(do da do )
Do you promise not to tell?
(do da do )
Whoa oh, oh
(do da do )
Let me whisper in your ear.
(do da do )
My secret? A picture that got me in trouble once.
Years ago just after the birth of my blog, I got some reader feedback. The excitement of learning the president of our company read my blog quickly turned to fear. The good news was I had a few readers. The bad news was one reader, the president, was not pleased with what I had posted.
It was strange time at the company. The surprising circumstance at the company was the reason the blog was started. The company was essentially being shutdown and the blog was a means to keep us in-touch with each other.
We were given about 90 days to shut the project down. Let’s be frank, people’s priorities were not totally focused on the company during those 90 days. One day I and a handful of other engineers had a long long lunch. I had the waitress snap a picture and few days later I posted it and mentioned we had enjoyed a long lunch. The morning it was posted I was tracked down at the office. The company president (I doubt he still reads the blog. If you do, I understand your point now.) thought the post was insulting to management. You could view it as flaunting our wasting time at a long lunch. That morning, I quickly learned for the first time how to delete a post.
Because of this incident, months later I doctored up the photo and sent it to the guys in the photo. It became a little joke.
another circus

My boss knows how to find my blog; it keeps me on my toes. I don't think he actually reads it, but you never know...That could get awkward.
it's always a slippery slope with a blog. my concern isn't work, but family. my adult children and their spouses read my blog and my husband, but only one other family member knows about it. i'd like to keep it that way, too! LOL xoxoxo
So the airplane wasn't really on the table?
always looking at the technical details - yes just like the black-out bars on our faces, I added the airplane. The airplane was a stupid marketing idea so that was part of the joke too. The original to-be-deleted post just had the plain picture in it. thanks
I suggest that bloggers think of their posts as billboards on the highway. Now my blog is still on some back road but you should realize most anyone could find it. Your teaching profession is probably more sensitive to this bad publicity problem than others.
Good luck with keeping it under-wraps. Blogs are like billboards. Of course not everyone notices billboards. I try to get my family to read the blog and they are just not interested. Most of my family related posts are about the distant past so that helps to reduce any controversy.
That's a great analogy, and it reminds me of the time Kendall (age 3) commented that she couldn't understand how anyone could possibly read everything on every billboard as we passed. How could we read so fast?! (She thought it was an obligation.)
Now that she is driving I sure hope she does not think that's an obligation anymore! funny story
AHHH! That's the story behind the photo. I wondered.
Hardly!haha Poor thing was so stressed about it at the time...having to read all of the billboards, as well as the road signs!
yes - I just of a more exciting explanation. I could do another post in which a group from the witness protection program all met for lunch. That would be a more exciting story. thanks
I highly doubt anyone of substance at my place of employment reads my blog. OK, I HOPE no one of substance at my place of employment reads my blog.
But damn. It's such good blog fodder.
Now get back to work!!
Hmm - if a person of substance became very irate with you over a post, would that be substance abuse?
Ack! What's happening to my comments?!
Huh? do you mean the reply showed up in the wrong place?
If my employers knew that I had a blog I would be fired. I work in the Criminal Justice system and we are not allowed to have blogs.... catch me if you can!!!!
Your decision but I wouldn't tempt them with a reason to fire you. The blog was fine and in fact I heard back that the president liked the idea of it. It was just that one post. Given the nature of your work I guess you could get yourself into deep trouble.
That's the danger with blogging - you create a public record but can't control how it will be perceived. Knowing how to delete is a good thing!
I have a few co-workers who read my blog, as well as some family members, including my husband. I'm generally pretty cautious about what I post regarding work and family issues. sometimes I wish I had kept the blog anonymous (I originally started it to keep our out-of-town family up-to-date on my pregnancy) because I don't like feeling censored. Then again, I don't know if actual internet anonymity is really possible anymore, and it's too hard to keep everything straight.
If you never sign-up for any free service or socialize (in other words don't use it) you probably can stay anonymous. People have been doing, saying and writing dumb things since we started to communicate. It might be easier now but really it comes down to thinking and controlling your emotions. If your blog was anonymous I and others would have never enjoyed it.
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