Back in the days when a phone was actually used for talking, I was a student. I recall being assigned “compare and contrast” essays. Did you ever write those?
Recently the following two news stories caught my interest:
Facebook flirting turned into date from hell
Man says he found $150K in his garden
Both stories involve a man and some money. One man is more than twice the age of the other. Apparently both men are out of work.
The FB guy turns out to be not only a knife wielding robber but a con man too.
He conned this nice young woman into being his unsuspecting get-away driver for his crime on their first date (last date also). Nothing like a date ending up in jail to ruin the fun.
Contrast that no good scumbag (I don’t remember if I was allowed to use scumbag in my student essays) with an honest guy who becomes worried about finding about 150 thousand dollars in his garden. I don’t know maybe money grows on cabbage. I have only heard about the trees.
The money garden guy told this story of telling his father about his discovery:
“I told him, we have enough problems, now we got another problem. Look what I found in the garden,” he recalled. “What are we going to do with all this money?”
He has reported the money and needs to wait for law enforcement to investigate. Since reporting the money he has hired a lawyer and is continuously being bothered by the media.
Links to the news -
Will it pay to be honest?
another circus

It always pays to be honest, even if you don't receive your reward this side of heaven :-)
God bless and have a great week :-)
Friend of mine went on a first date with a woman who was arrested on their date for unpaid parking tickets.
I definitely think he should get some kind of reward.
thanks - I agree. A clear conscience is a wonderful thing.
Story would even be better if they were "parking" at some make-out spot. Thanks for sharing that odd story.
Who knows? There is a chance that he will get the full amount but that won't happen soon.
To be honest..... using a first date as a getaway driver.... is kinda genius!! Im gonna try that.
Robber with no car and only a wooden gun
I guess you will be seeking those girls who are also seeking adventure. Looking for adventure? Have your own car?
I think it would be too risky since your date may want to stop along the way.
honesty is always the best policy....FB guy too funny and quite brilliant but a wacko just the same!
I'm thinking that his date victim would not use those words to describe him. Ok, I'll give a little credit for thinking outside-of-the-box for his solution. Giving this a little thought as I reply to the comments, here's another wacko idea. Go to a dealership and rob a place while you have the car out for a test drive.
I hope in his case it does!!
I'm sure you are referring to the honest gardener and not the other one. It sounds like the honest gardener could use the money.
honest gardener should get a reward or the money.
facebook con man should get prison time!
thanks for stopping by, sugar!
you rule Judge Savannah!!
Why did he hire a lawyer - how did the finding of the money get made public?
Pays to be honest ... FB guy, too funny.
First off I really don't know for sure. The filing of police reports might result in some public knowledge. It appears the actual amount is being withheld. I guessing he wanted a lawyer to protect him from being accused and to be sure he gets the claim filed correctly. Good questions - do you know any lawyers to ask?
Oh yeah we think it is funny but I wonder about the date. Well she certainly has a great story.
I'm glad he was honest but who wants all that hassle with the press and all of that? With my luck the deer would eat all of that green stuff like they do the rest of my garden. I guess I would go out with somebody on a Facebook or internet date but probably not ALONE the first time or two. Got to use some common sense now days because I am LURKING on every corner! W.C.C.
Good advice. I hope I see the report if he ever does get the money. Now I'm interested in what happens. That's a good amount of cash.
Wow, I guess I shouldn't laugh.. but still!
In my teens I had several first dates from hell, but the worst must have been the guy who, driving me to the movies, nonchantly pulled an emergency brake and yelled for me to RUN!!
Turns out the car was stolen (he thought he'd spotted a police car following us)..
Online dating seems pretty risky to me, but sometimes it works out. A friend of ours met his wife on an online dating website. They've been happily married for about 5 years, but before that, he went on quite a few strange dates. Some were funny (to me, anyway) and a few were downright scary.
I agree that honesty is the best policy, but I have my doubts about whether the man will get to keep any of the money. When my son was about 12, he and a few friends were walking through a field and found some brand new bikes hidden in the corn stalks. We called the police, who said they assumed the bikes were stolen and they would look into it. The boys asked if they would get the bikes if no one claimed them, and they were told unclaimed property was put into the annual police auction. The same thing happened when we turned in a wallet we had found (with no identification) in a parking lot. If it goes unclaimed, the police put the money into a fund (what fund I'm not sure).
Wow, as much as I'd like to say that I'm in the "it pays to be honest" camp, I'd have a lot of thinking it over to do if I turned over that kind of cash in my garden.
wow maybe this is more common than I knew. Could it be that the Brits are more prone to this problem?
The annual beer fund. From the article it appears this guy hired a lawyer to be sure his claim was honor. But he still needs to wait. I recall finding $20 on the ground once. My wife and I had extra for lunch that day. Regarding wallets the most important items are the ID's.
It one of those events that you don't really know your reaction until it happens. You might think you know but the situation could be different than you think. That large amount would actually make me think it would be tracked. The worst tracker of it for the finder would be the mob. They don't ask too many questions before shooting.
It will pay to have some peace of mind and he knows he is the kind of person who does not want something that is not theirs, even if he did dig it up in his yard.
Yes peace of mind is priceless at times. thanks
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