I know many of you have jumped in a car, boat, or plane to escape. It's a summer thing to do and the upper half of the world has started it's summer. I don't jump into much of anything. I might hurt my back.
However, I was on the road the other day and then sat on a beach. I walked slowing into the lake. It's was a little cold. After my legs get a little used to it and the waves start lapping my waist, I typically just dive in. Getting past that cold shock quickly works for me.
So now what?
That's been the theme of my week.
I prefer to plan things. Not completely every detail. Many of my best trips started with only the first night's stay reserved. Being flexible is good and different than having to react to surprises.
I had one thing planned this week - a concert. I'll be posting about that soon. Many concerts required a concerted effort to attend (tickets, travel, what will you wear, etc.).
My beach visit including "babysitting" nieces and a nephew was not planned much in advance.
So now what?
Daughter and SIL are dropping their dog off for a few hours. Call a repairman for dryer that went on a spinning strike.
I don't care much for surprises.
Life has plenty. There are good ones but some are annoying.
Maybe the following youtube clips might be a surprise for you. I don't include clips here all the time.
I was thinking about friends the other day and I remember this song:
I found this song a month or so ago. It has that "Beach Boys" surfer/hot-rod sound. It's about strollers. It gives me a laugh.
another circus
However, I was on the road the other day and then sat on a beach. I walked slowing into the lake. It's was a little cold. After my legs get a little used to it and the waves start lapping my waist, I typically just dive in. Getting past that cold shock quickly works for me.
a favorite summer picture |
So now what?
That's been the theme of my week.
I prefer to plan things. Not completely every detail. Many of my best trips started with only the first night's stay reserved. Being flexible is good and different than having to react to surprises.
I had one thing planned this week - a concert. I'll be posting about that soon. Many concerts required a concerted effort to attend (tickets, travel, what will you wear, etc.).
My beach visit including "babysitting" nieces and a nephew was not planned much in advance.
So now what?
Daughter and SIL are dropping their dog off for a few hours. Call a repairman for dryer that went on a spinning strike.
I don't care much for surprises.
Life has plenty. There are good ones but some are annoying.
Maybe the following youtube clips might be a surprise for you. I don't include clips here all the time.
I was thinking about friends the other day and I remember this song:
I found this song a month or so ago. It has that "Beach Boys" surfer/hot-rod sound. It's about strollers. It gives me a laugh.
another circus

It's always so tempting to try and surprise a person that doesn't like surprises.
That second video scared me...I initially read it as John Coltrane and wondered when he went off the deep end.
ha - yes he doesn't sound like John Coltrane.
tempting but dangerous because you might be surprised by their reaction.
Not having plans is planning on doing nothing or at least relaxing. We would not go away when a majority of the public goes away. Way too crazy.
Oh one of those "no decision is a decision" type things.
I prefer to travel in the fall when the crowds are smaller.
The summer picture is SCARY!!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get here and thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving that lovely comment on my post on "Middle Ground." I really appreciated it! Happy to have found your blog as well.
thanks for tracking me down. No problem in taking your time getting here. Take a look around you might enjoy some of my past posts.
I'm something of a planner, but I don't mind a change of them once in a while.
not really sure but I think the change-of-plans thing gets worse with age.
thanks for the feedback.
Your girl Sheryl Crow was in my town this weekend.
Why Can't We Be Friends is a favorite of mine. Stroller song is cute. Love the reference to the Bugaboo Frog - the Jaguar of strollers, from what I understand.
Hope you enjoyed the visit with the grand-dog and that the dryer didn't give you too nasty of a surprise.
She has been touring around the Midwest area these past few weeks. The concert I mentioned in this post was her concert in the town of my childhood. My wife and I enjoyed her concert. I'll be posting about it today.
Dryer under warranty was fixed.
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