Time for a tobloggan.
What? Ok, I’ll explain because I just coined that term a few posts ago. I barely remember what I posted how can I expect you to remember.
A tobloggan is a post that takes off and glides across your keyboard with ease. A great tobloggan will even pick up speed after it is posted.
A recent post by Jillsy Girl asked that common question (ok maybe not too common with people younger than 30) regarding doing your life over again the same way if you were given the chance.
My over thinking comment included the following:
...The posted question is an interesting one but I think the only good answer is an appreciation of the life we have lived...
Of course this hypothetical scenario can not happen. I can go off on tangent here and start a discussion of time travel and that paradox. But that discussion might mostly be with myself because I don’t think that was the point of the question.
The question offers an open out-of-box thinking opportunity to examine your life’s successes and failures. Most of us have not been in prison so we can rightly say we made at least a few good choices. Maybe we can set the bar a little higher than prison time.
How about those traffic tickets?
Life is filled with an abundance of good, bad, high, low, bright, dark, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, etc (I have not seen too many bowls of cherries but they are tasty when you find one). In other words how do you compare a life to another life?
Much of what happens to us is luck. Good attitude, training, learning from mistakes, focused attention and other attributes are important to be able to seize on that luck. Often it just passes us by without our knowing it.
Now there are many little things I wish I had done over the years. I wish I had saved that erector set from my childhood. I wish I had taken a free trip to Puerto Rico while I was in the Air Force.
The bottom line for me - I’m happy with almost all of my life story. How about you?
another circus

I wish I would have told my dad to invest in apple and microsoft when they first went public.
that would not be like you - if that happened you would have been bullman
Excellent new word!
I think my post yesterday answers this question. I am blessed. That's all I can ask for.
The only way I could have or would have made other choices us if I would have been someone else. No need to second-guess myself in hindsight.
Well, you already know my answer (and thanks for the link, as always), but I have to say I'm lovin' that term!! :-)
Second guessing can be a big waste of time and energy. Learning a lesson from the past is good. thanks
Yes I do and thanks for giving me an idea to post about. Feel free to use the term. thanks
Yes I do. Thanks for giving me an idea to post. Feel free to use the term. thanks
I have often be accused of having no concept of time, and yet having closely observed the difficulties faced by Marty and Doc I do believe it is best not to attempt to change the past. :D
I answered Jill's original question quite briefly without giving an explanation. I would definitely make some changes, and I know exactly which ones I would make. Enough said on that.
Oh there is a lot I would LOVE to do over again. If only I could go back with the knowledge I have now, and with the body I had then..!!
Oops, Google hasn't posted me as Shrinky (Shrink Wrapped Scream) - poo!
How I wish I create a 'tobloggan'. My posts are just posts, that swiflty get into my keyboard, but slowly, very slowly crouches in people's computer screens. Well about life, lived only 18 beautiful years of life, there's much to learn, and much to experience yet. :-)
While google does run blogger, DISQUS control this comment system. Did you log-in with a google account? Well the comments worked and thanks for sharing.
Khushi welcome to A Few Clowns Short. At 18 you probably are the youngest person to leave a comment here. thanks
Yes I agree. I don't believe we can change it even if we tried. Of course, that does not stop people from rewriting history to better fit their goals or scams. thanks
I think about this fairly often and as much as I'd like to say that all of the wrong turns made me who I am today, I do wish I had made a different turn when I was about 17 years old. My life has been quite good and I'm in a good place now, but I wouldn't have spent 20 years floundering if I changed one thing at 17.
Interesting - one pivotal moment. I can not pin down one thing. Many different events and lots of guessing, wishing, working and luck.
Deep question for an afternoon. I read this post yesterday but the mental effort it required was just too much for me at the time. I go through this game every so often, and sure, there are things here and there that I wish I had handled differently - classes I wish I tried a little harder in, bar crawls that I wish I hadn't gone along on, boys I wish I hadn't wasted so much time with, opportunities that I didn't let pass me by....
But when it comes down to it, I can pin where I am at this very moment in time to some very chance happenings, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
thanks for the thoughtful comment - those are the best. Also, I'm glad you remember to go back and leave it here. I often forget. From what you wrote, I'll assume you are not a "destiny" type person. You might wish you were a destiny's child though. thanks
I am, too. I don't waste my time with regrets.
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