Jene over at The Original Bean is on week 8 of her musical challenge/game. The last one I did was week 6. I’m not a big player. Like a cheap turntable I skip. The topic this time is a song that no one would expect you to love.
For someone to expect anything about you they need to know you or think they know you. The song selection for this was really easy because our daughter gave me the answer the other day and I never even asked the question. I’ll explain.
I do much of my music listening in the car. I’ll never understand talk radio. Today with digital music, CD burners and CD players there is no reason you can’t be listening to the best tunes as you cruise. I go back far enough to recall trying to sing along to an eight-track but couldn’t because I was too busy cussing at it (also I can’t sing). Making your own CD mixes is car listening heaven.
So the other day, my daughter hops in the car as we head off for whatever. She typically has an opinion of my musical tastes and I understand. Music is personal. Not too many miles down the road she starts laughing. What’s so funny? She could not believe I had “Hey Now (Girls Just Want to Have Fun)” in my mix.
Well we had 4 daughters and this song reminds me when two of them hit their teens. Also, it is a fun song.
another circus

I actually listen to NPR a lot in the car. I actually only listen to anything int he car. I don't have an MP3 player. I'm more of a visual person/TV watcher.
Kate Bush is one people don't associate with me but This woman's work is awesome.
I did a quick look up and I thought the name sounded familiar. I liked her song "Running up that hill". thanks
I enjoy NPR but most of the time I would rather listen to music. Except Saturday morning's and Wait Wait Don't Tell - my favorite radio hour.
Hey for those of you would read comments - lisleman highly recommends reading the comment section - here's some additional info on Cyndi Lauper.
that's a great tune, sugar! it's also a perfect father of girls song! i wish i still had the mix tapes i made for my coconut krewe car pools! talk about eclectic musical tastes! my playlists on my ipod were damn good too, but sadly now gone and not replaced! yet... xoxoxox
Making mix tapes were much time consuming than the mix CDs. Did your Ipod pass on? I try to back up my music and pictures. thanks
I love Cyndi Lauper! This is an old favorite of mine, too. I may not know you in real life, and I'm still a relatively new blog reader of yours, but no, I couldn't picture the mental image I have of you singing along to this particular tune :)
I have quite an extensive collection of CD mixes. The radio doesn't hold a candle to the glovebox full of random mashups.
It was through my kids that I got to like her so I don't know too much about her. She didn't last too long with a big draw but maybe that's the way it is now. A quick rise, a few hits and you are history. I don't know much about her but I know she was in Buenos Aires recently
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