Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a pro

I’m pro at procrastination. I did get our taxes done weeks early so maybe there is some hope for me. Other things like oil changes and fixing stuff, I just don’t want to rush into them. Everything needs a certain amount of consideration time.

Oh the phrase, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is a mantra for me.

The problem is I modify that phrase with “if it ain’t broke bad enough” or “duct tape will work”.

My latest example of this was my cellphone.

This one would be hard to drop or lift

Sometime this year, perhaps in February, I dropped my cellphone from a waist high pocket. Typically no big deal. This time it hit on the corner of the hinge just right (or wrong) and a piece of it cracked off. That same day I tried unsuccessfully to super glue the piece back on. No go - it would not hold so I resorted to a duck tape fix.

The duck tape fix was marginally workable. If you didn’t carefully hold the phone it would start to separate. I suspect if it fully separated it would probably never work again. I placed very careful calls for a many weeks.

Finally after too many “next weeks”, I took it to the Verizon store. I had a plan with both an option A and option B. Option A was to convince them that their long time customer should just get this too easily breakable phone replaced. Option B was to activate my last phone which I still had but had been replaced by the now broken newer model.

The good news - Option A was a success. They shipped my a new replacement phone within two days.

It was this clam shell type but a new version with no antenna stub

Once in awhile during a brief reflective mood, I’ll think about changing my less than appealing characteristic. A few seconds later I tell myself, yeah maybe next week.

Hey you overachievers - any advice?

another circus 

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