(another post that is not my normal “lighten up” type post. If you think you have life figured out then you’re a fool. The events this weekend have stirred too much emotion not write something.)
The Arizona violence this past weekend - I don’t know what to write. The shock of it fills me with so many emotions and questions. Why?
Columbine, Virgina Tech, and Oklahoma City come to mind because of the innocent that perish in Tucson on Saturday.
I avoid political issues on this blog. It would be great if we could discuss political issues in a peaceful thoughtful respecting way. It doesn’t seem to happen. It’s not clear if politics where involved. I suspect they played a role but I’m not writing this to argue about it. Our American society is losing respect for fellow members. Even if you disagree with a person’s views you must still respect that person as a fellow human.
Anger - do we even need this emotion any more?
Technobabe’s post today prompted me to share my thoughts. Here’s part of comment I shared on Technobabe’s post titled “Will There Ever Really Be Peace?”.
“...Thanks. Peace everywhere all the time - probably not possible. Peace can be local and if more enjoy it then they'll know how good it feels... “
Is that the problem? Are there people who never experience peace or have forgotten what peace they may have had once?
Nine year old Christina-Taylor Green had her dreams taken away in this tradegy. Are you parents? I’m very sure Christina’s killer was not. Both of them made a trip to see a congresswoman. But for vastly different reasons. One was respect and interest. The other was hate and destruction.
I believe most people are good and loving. I know others see things differently than me and that’s good. Good for me and good for society. Nobody has all the answers but a few do take time to express wisdom. One source of wisdom for me is the Chicago Tribune newspaper columnist, Mary Schmich. Here’s a link for more on her. She hasn’t written anything about this tragedy yet but I suspect she will.
I’ve enjoyed reading her columns for years. One favorite is her famous “Wear Sunscreen” that was put to song.
Here’s a few advice tips from the “Wear Sunscreen”
- Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
- Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
- Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.
- Respect your elders.
There is more advice in this address to a graduating class but I wonder if enough people listen and hear advice like this.
More recently Mary wrote about the loss of her mother. I’ve kept the following quote from one of those columns.
“What feels like manure often turns out to be fertilizer.” - Mary Schmich
I struggle to think of any growing type fertilizer coming from this Tucson tragedy. But hopefully because of it some hot heads will show some respect for the other side. Could people think before shouting violent ideas? I believe people listen to a song more than a scream.
I don’t have any sure answers or solutions for the spread of mean hateful talk but I don’t find any benefit in it for anyone.
I’ll just end with one last thought and request. You parents and other adults that interact with children, please be an example of respect and tolerance of others. Do it for the memory of Christina-Taylor Green.