Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Tuesday as a Monday

After a Monday holiday, don't you feel like Tuesday is Monday?

Holiday - this word gets used a little differently around the English speaking world.  The word derived from the notion of "Holy Day".

Days are very natural for anyone but say a teenager who occasionally becomes nocturnal.  But I wondered the reason for grouping them in sevens.  According the handy source of Wikipedia, we can thank the Babylonians who divided up the lunar cycle up into quarters.

The weekend as most know came from religion and the day of rest is recorded in the Bible.

If I could have given God or maybe Moses some advice, I would have suggested a day of rest every other day.  However had that become the practice we wouldn't be thanking God for Fridays (TGIF and a whole restaurant chain would not exist).

Had the Maya dominated instead of the Spanish, our life would revolve around eighteen twenty day periods with and extra five days tacked on the end.  Also, we would understand this 2012 prediction much better.  Actually, I don't think the Mayan ever had a 2012 prediction.  I'm blaming a few clowns short of a circus in the movie industry for this doom hype.

Does anyone know the Mayan holiday schedule?

Different cultures influence each other in most daily activities.  One Spanish cultural idea that should be adopted more here is the siesta.  Blogging could be allowed during siesta and just think of the possibilities of that.

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KristinaP said...

I know nothing. And yes, it does feel like Monday. And then I remember it's Tuesday, and I do a little happy dance.

lisleman said...

thanks - happy Tuesday

Charlie Callahan said...

This IS Monday, isn't it? Isn't it? I don't happen to have a Babylonian calendar handy, so I'll have Martha pick one up on the way home from work.

Siestas are popular in many countries, but they move the workday forward to 7 p.m. and supper at 9. I think it's much more productive to just sleep at your desk and leave at 5.

The Urban Cowboy said...

Ha, 2012...isn't that supposed to be the end of time? Or was that Y2K, or last year? Have a great Monday, err, Tuesday.

lisleman said...

It's not sleeping at your desk - it's being in deep thought about the business of the company or what boondoggle you can get approved. thanks

Charlie Callahan said...

You're right. I did MUCH of my thinking with my eyes closed. Drool, however, was a problem.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Yeah what's the deal with no siestas here? Think how much saner we'd all be.

Bearman said...

I am a firm believer in the siesta. not the 2 hour siesta but a good 30 minutes makes me refreshed and actually more productive.

unknownmami said...

Yeah, but we could have a chain called, "Thank God it's Every Other Day".

lisleman said...

hmm that would be TGIEOD. Maybe but it might be a slow start. Thanks for the idea. It gave me another one. I just realized that TGIM TGIW might be available and maybe I should get a trademark on them. TGIS and TGIT are too ambiguous.

Cheeseboy said...

Interesting stuff. I only notice when Friday comes around and I think it should be Saturday.

secretagentwoman said...

I'd like a three day work week with a four day weekend. Seems fair to me. If you had every other day as a day off, you'd be reluctant to stay up late on the "weekend" days. My system would let you have three full weekend-ish days and then you could get a good night's sleep on the fourth one before the work week.

dave hambidge said...

Go for the biggie bearman! We have siested 2 hours almost everyday for the last 10 years; only way 2 old wrecks can make it from breakfast to gin time! Yes, it does restore the batteries+++

lisleman said...

does gin time come before or after tea time?

lisleman said...

Appears you have spent some time thinking about this. If you setup a company this way let me know - I'll apply.

dave hambidge said...

Tea time, as in the drink but no nosh, happens about 1530-1630h; leaving a good hour to cleanse the mouth before Gin is served no earlier than 1800h, except highdays, holidays and if hazel gives me that look...

TechnoBabe said...

In our little life the only thing a Monday holiday impacts is trash day is moved back one day. Hubby and I don't work any more so practically each day is close to same with some small exceptions. This is the way we want it. I just have to watch the days when one of us has an appointment so we don't skip the appointment thinking it is another day.

lisleman said...

someone should go over to your quiet little place and throw a live mouse in the tub - that would generate some excitement and memories for you.

Joanna Jenkins said...

I'm so with you on the siesta. Why anyone ever thought not taking a nap when you went to kindergarden meant you were a big kid is beyond me.
Happy whatever day it is!

lisleman said...

That's an interesting point. I wonder if office workers would complain if management said everyone needs to take an afternoon nap.

Guest said...

Ooh, payback, huh. It wouldn't frighten me though. It has to be something
that would scare me. You crack me up.

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