Library of Congress picture
Remember I mentioned Einstein in my last post?
Today I come across another Einstein related story. Maybe I'm on a roll (ok insert bagel pun here).
I don't read People magazine which I guess is about people but I'm not sure which people.
Last November the GM (few clowns short of a circus management) ran an ad in People with this image:
You can read more details about this story on
But just their headline must have been fun to write:
Hebrew University sues GM over topless Einstein ad
Any wonder why we needed to bail out GM given the clowns making marketing calls over there. What seems even more bizarre is the vehicle being marketed in the ad. This buff Einstein guy was pushing GMC Terrains. Those big SUVs.
Don't most people (maybe not People readers?) associate Einstein with genius and revolutionary ideas? Please tell how the SUV fits that image.
Speaking of rolls, I'm guessing Einstein might be doing some right now. You know, like the rolling in his grave type. Oh, I'm going out to get that tatoo. I just need to decide where to ink it.

You are definitely on a roll with this post. In fact, you have me ROFLMAO. Good work, Lisleman. You never fail to share something interesting and make it even better.
Hehe - great post - here's another Einstein pic if you're interested, sans tattoo - I hope I can look this cool in my old age:
Marketing people are another class that belong in your Bottom Dwellers basement. "Tasteful" is no longer in the adman lexicon; "Shock and Awe" is. I think the LOC photograph is one of the best I've ever seen of the Doctor; the other one is a disgrace.
I think that tattoo would be appropriate on one of your butt cheeks, near to where "energy" is often released.
Who knew that HU had the rights to his image.
Hadn't seen that Einstein ad. It only makes sense that he was that buff though.
Who says this was Einstein? He could be an Einstein ardent fan.
It is too early in the morning for me to wonder where you would ink your tattoo.
I'm here, I'm here!! And who knows, maybe Einstein was that buff! (Although, highly unlikely, I'm sure)
Both my sons, who are fans of Einstein and headed for science careers, were disturbed by this ad.
thanks, hope I didn't make a pest of myself asking you to visit the blog. Well who knows when he was young maybe but the old face doesn't match the buff body. I don't think the ad people were trying to convince anyone it was him and maybe it's even funny but how does it connect with buying the SUV?
Good, someone who saw the ad. The picture I saw in the paper showed more of the man. He was displaying the top of his underwear like a sexy (the opinion of some) underwear model. I didn't bother to try to find that picture. So do you remember if the ad was like that? Since your sons were disturbed by the ad I imagine you were sure to throw it out.
This is almost as tasteless as the jacket billboard of President Obama. They took that down.
wow I hope I didn't ruin your day with that thought.
good tattoo location very thoughtful
I never saw the actual ad and maybe it was funny but it's stupid and disrespectful. I agree completely that the marketing clowns are in very different group.
thanks - IMHO it's funny but stupid and disrespectful in a People's magazine ad for SUVs.
checked out the big nose drawing of him. You didn't draw that did you? It's good.
This buff picture (photoshop I'm sure) is funny but as other have commented now, not appropriate for a popular magazine ad. stupid and disrespectful. We probably have all seen funny cartoons or pictures that would not be so funny in a general newspaper or magazine.
I might get that tattoo! OMG! I can't believe they're suing.....
Ideas are sexy!
Great post!
Hope you have a safe and happy weekend.
Had I known Einstein had such a great body I would have paid more attention in class :)
It isn't a surprise that corporations push tasteless ads on the general public, thinking (yeah as if ) the general public hasn't got the brains to see through the crap. This is actually a good post and I hope lots of people read it.
I do wonder if they don't have the brains to know its crap. I have witnessed groups starting to believe their own bullshit. thanks for sharing
Very disconcerting image. It's like the comic Carrot Top all buffed out now; it's just wrong.
I have not seen carrot top for quite awhile of course after I do, I can't see for awhile.
While I fundamentally agree that the ad is dumb marketing because that body does NOT remind me of myself (I would oil up MUCH MUCH MORE). But what really bugs me is why is ANYONE or any organization suing over this ad regardless how ineffective it may or may not be. What a waste of time and money. Don't need to help GM along with its stupid decisions - it seems to be doing just fine on its own.
I guess you should ask the lawyers who will be benefiting about the reasons to sue. One reason is to make money as a lawyer.
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